173: The Electron Diet


I have been much more focused on my electron diet than my food diet. It turns out, the more electrons we have in our body the better our metabolism - and every other system  - works. You have a little more “wiggle room” with your diet when you have good electron flow.

God designed us to get electrons in three major ways: through sunshine, through grounding and through food. But we get them the most abundantly through the sun and the earth. It always comes back to our Genesis Prescription and in this week’s episode we’re making more connections about the amazing way God made our body to work in relation to Creation. Come listen to more intimately know God as your Mighty Healer and Provider.


EPISODE 173: The Electron Diet


Show Notes

(0:00) Intro

  • Hello my friend! Welcome back to the club, how are you today?

  • I am excited to introduce this concept of The Electron Diet to you. The electron diet puts your body in a state of using your food better, helping your metabolism, and in fact, your whole body work better and more efficiently.

(2:04) It all comes back around to The Genesis Prescription

  • God made our body to work in relation to Creation. He put that concept on my heart about 3 years ago and I wrote a little blog post about it and then I created an 8-week  program for my CHC members to go through where we focus on sunshine, water, grounding, plant foods, animal foods, steady breath, sleep and movement  - all related to scripture - that was very Holy Spirit led.

  • Carly and I are incorporating The GP into our curriculum for The School of Christian Health and Nutrition. I’m happy to say that we’re working hard to have the school ready to open in January and train our first class of students to be Christian Nutrition Practitioners.

(4:55) Protons, Neutrons, & Electrons:

  • Protons have a positive charge; neutrons have a neutral charge; and electrons have a negative charge.

  • A huge foundation of health hinges on our body having a “net negative charge” - being more negative than positive - which happens when we have more electrons than protons.

  • We typically associate negative with bad, but in the case of our body - negative is good!

    • Too many protons and not enough electrons is an equation for inflammation. Inflammation has a net positive charge.

  • Each day our body attempts to maintain a negative charge by gaining electrons and excreting excess protons.

    • Our body has built in mechanisms to do this  - we get rid of  excess protons through secretions like sweat, urine, poop and tears - which are all positively charged.

    • Drainage Before Detox

    • Foundational Protocol FAQ

    • We’ve got to ensure that we’re supporting the colon, liver, kidneys and skin  - these drainage pathways help us to maintain the negative charge we need to be healthy. 

  • Mitochondria:

    • Mitochondria - the energy factories in our cells -  are working well and making energy so that the organs in our body have the energy to do their job.

    • If our mitochondria don’t work, our cells don’t work, our organs don’t work,  which means our body doesn’t work. IT comes down to this cellular level. In order for our mitochondria to work well they need to be in a negatively charged environment within the cell - which means more electrons and they use electrons to make the energy. 

  • God has given us the ability to get to gain electrons in three major ways: through sun, through grounding and through food - but the sun and the earth are the greatest sources of electron production. 

(8:44) Chemistry vs. Electricity

  • Our bodies run on electricity. And what is electricity? It’s the flow of electrons.

  • When our nerves signal, our heart beats, our muscles contract, our brain synapses fire - these are all electrical signals running through our body.

  • We know that Doctors can measure the electrical efficiency of various systems in the body like the heart through an electrocardiogram (EKG), the muscles through electromyography (EMG), and the brain through an electroencephalogram (EEG).

  • Our bodies run on electrical processes and chemical processes.

    • We run on electrical energy and chemical energy - But electricity is faster than chemistry. It’s instantaneous.

    • This is why many cutting edge practitioners, like neurosurgeon Dr. Jack Kruse, focus more on sunlight and earthing than food in the priority of healing because they are a faster, more efficient, more abundant source of electrons, this electron flow, this energy. 

(11:07) The link back to the Creation story:

  • When we look at the Creation story - what comes before food? Sun, water and dry land, the earth. And all three of these are way more impactful and influential when it comes to our electron flow, maintaining a net negative charge and  our body’s ability to make energy.

  • This is why brilliant people like Dr Kruse focus on the nature piece of it more than food and, in fact, says that people who do not get enough exposure to the natural elements tend to overeat in an effort to satisfy the body’s innate need for more electrons.

  • When there is a light and nature deficit, people often eat more to compensate for this electron flow and energy production when what they really need is more sunshine and more nature!

  • In fact he says, If our body thinks we are electron deficient it will hoard the storage form of them which is fat. 

(13:35) Grounding:

  • Dr. Laura Koniver is a conventionally trained doctor who turned holistic after she discovered how effective grounding is.

  • She wrote a book called The Earth Prescription and did a 10 week weight loss experiment with her patients where she asked them not to change anything about their food or lifestyle except to add in 15 minutes of grounding a day.

    • At the end of the 10 weeks, 60% had lost weight anywhere from 4-15 lbs but 100% had improved metabolic markers.

    • Participants experienced other healing results - like a serious reduction in their back pain or in their joints. And what that made her understand and confirm is that the body is innately wise and prioritizes its healing needs. It puts that electrical energy - the electrons we pick up from grounding  - toward the body’s most pressing and acute needs.

    • This was all from grounding 15 minutes a day y’all. Getting more electrons into the body - charging up those cells with energy so that they work better.

(16:17) The photoelectric effect: which is the emission of electrons when light hits a material.

  • The photoelectric effect is the emission of electrons when light hits a material.

    • When sunlight interacts with the water inside of our cells it helps produce a net negative charge and activates the mitochondria.

    • This is where the water part comes - our cells are about 99% water - and the water inside of our cells actually acts like a battery that can hold this net negative charge. The water in our body  is an electromagnetic battery for sunlight. Sunlight charges up our cells with this electric energy to work better. That’s about as quick and basic as I can put it. 

    • The Earth is a giant reservoir of electrons just waiting for us to go out there and pick them up by having our bare feet or hands in the dirt, sand, grass, natural bodies of water - you can even ground on concrete.

    • God designed our bodies to be conductors of electrical energy, we can pick up these electrons when we are in direct contact with the Earth. It’s electricity. 

Do you know how God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?  Do you know how the clouds hang poised, those wonders of him who has perfect knowledge? Job 37:15-16

(20:50) Closing thoughts:

  • This is why I’m SO excited to include it in our school curriculum. Its relatively unknown and WAY underutilized as part of the approach to healing. And why?  Because it’s free. It doesn’t require a doctor, a hospital or a prescription. No one stands to make any money with this kind of prescription. The Genesis Prescription. But like I always ask - why are we surprised that God would make our healing free and accessible? He Provides y’all. 

  • THIS is what I feel like He has led me to do. To both educate and train people so that they can help themselves and help others. 

  • I want to create a network of Christian health practitioners across the world educating and helping people get better using all of these Genesis Prescription resources including nutrition but not limited to it.  And through this platform and through the Nutrition School  getting  people to more intimately know and understand God as their Mighty Provider and Healer.

  • I can’t NOT think of God when I’m outside purposely getting light or grounding - because I’m marveling at the way He designed our bodies to work in relation to Creation. And I hope knowing this information does that for you too.

  • So, friends. I want you to work on your electron diet. I want you to get outside and get more electrons into your body. Take advantage of the last warm days of summer to soak up some sun and get barefoot in your yard on your patio. Thank God for His beautiful Creation, for the way He provides and for the gift of your body.

(25:01) Outro & Disclaimer


Thanks for listening! Have a healthy and blessed week!

