253: The Women of The Bible Speak with Shannon Bream


When Fox News approached one of their top anchors to write a book about women and faith, Shannon Bream jumped at the chance. Little did she know how much it would resonate with readers seeking to know more about the lives and contributions of women in Biblical times. In this week’s episode, Shannon shares the inspiration behind The Women of The Bible Speak books plus shares about her own faith, struggles, work, health habits and how she gets it all done with her crazy schedule.


253: The Women of The Bible Speak with Shannon Bream



Today's episode is a shining example of that—my conversation with Shannon Bream, a figure many of you might recognize as a Fox News anchor and the author of the compelling series The Women of The Bible Speak. The timing of her participation could not have been more divine, aligning perfectly with Mother’s Day, a moment I had envisioned since last year.

The Spark of Passion and Purpose

Our discussion began with a reflection on personal passions and the divine gifts that guide our professional paths. Shannon shared insights from her childhood, revealing an inherent curiosity that later shaped her careers as an attorney, journalist, and author. This curiosity, she explained, was not just a trait but a guiding light, leading her to dig deeper, to understand stories and people beyond the surface.

Writing as an Act of Faith

Shannon's journey to writing about women in the Bible was not just a career move but a calling. When approached by Fox News to write a book that intertwined women and faith, she embraced the challenge with open arms, driven by her lifelong passion for faith and storytelling. This project was both daunting and fulfilling, bringing historical figures to life and exploring their contexts and struggles—challenges that women of all eras can relate to.

Spiritual Motherhood: A Universal Calling

A particularly touching part of our conversation revolved around the concept of spiritual motherhood. Shannon spoke beautifully about the significance of spiritual mothers in her life and how this role extends beyond biological boundaries. Her words resonated deeply, reminding us that motherhood in all its forms is about nurturing, guiding, and supporting others—roles that all of us can fulfill, regardless of our paths in life.

Balancing Life’s Demands

Among the practical aspects of our talk, Shannon shared how she manages her demanding schedule while maintaining her health and spiritual wellbeing. Her approach is disciplined yet flexible, structured yet forgiving, embodying the balance many of us strive to achieve. From her anchor meal to her daily devotionals, Shannon’s routines are imbued with intentionality, serving both her body and spirit.

Anchored in Faith

Shannon’s anchor verse, "I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears" (Psalm 34:4), perfectly encapsulates the foundation of her life. It’s a source of strength and a reminder of the ever-present support available to us, regardless of the challenges we face.

Conclusion: Lessons in Faith and Resilience

As we wrapped up our conversation, I was reminded of the powerful role faith plays in navigating life's complexities. Shannon’s journey is a testament to the strength found in spiritual conviction and the beauty of pursuing one’s passions despite the odds. Her story is not just inspiring—it's a call to all of us to explore our own gifts, to embrace our roles as nurturers and leaders, and to always seek the divine in our daily lives.

I hope this episode leaves you inspired and blessed, just as I was in speaking with Shannon. Remember, no matter the challenges you face, there's a story in the Bible, a verse, or a spiritual mother ready to guide you through. Until next time, stay healthy and stay blessed!

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Thanks for listening! Have a healthy and blessed week!

