The Christian Nutritionist

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Why I Don’t Use Canola Oil

If I hear one more commercial that says canola oil is heart-healthy, I’m gonna blow my lid. “Vegetable” oils like canola oil, corn, soybean, and cottonseed may sound like healthier options, but they’re not. If you only take one piece of my advice, make it this: Do not consume these inflammatory oils. Let me tell you why and which oils are the best choices to use instead!


Avoid canola, corn, soybean, cottonseed, grapeseed, and other “vegetable” oils like the plague.

These oils should never be used for multiple reasons. The first is the unnatural processing techniques used to extract them. If you think about it, corn and soybeans do not have high levels of oil/fat in them naturally. Just imagine how much effort it would take you to get some oil from a corncob or edamame. If that sounds crazy, it’s because it is! Manufacturers have to use chemicals and high heat to force oil out. This creates a product that is not good for you.

The second is that these oils have extremely unstable properties. You don’t need added instability in any area of your life, including food! These oils are very high in Omega-6, a polyunsaturated fatty acid. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are the most vulnerable to damage because of their multiple (2+) carbon-carbon bonds. This instability makes them easily damaged when exposed to light and heat which is exactly what they do when they sit in a clear, plastic bottle on the grocery store shelf or hit a hot pan. Those unstable molecules become oxidized which leads to inflammation in your body when you eat them. The worst thing you can do is to deep fry something in vegetable oil.

In addition, a 2017 study linked canola oil consumption to memory deterioration, degenerative learning ability, and weight gain (symptoms of memory deterioration and degenerative learning ability are associated with Alzheimer’s disease).

Eating these rancid oils is no bueno for your health. The fatty acids you eat literally contribute to the makeup of your cell membranes, which are super important for combating inflammation and making everything work properly.

❌ As I like to say… seed oils, we are never, ever, ever getting back together! ❌

OILS for dressings & salads

Other polyunsaturated fats that are processed naturally and not with tons of chemicals are OK to eat in moderation and if not heated. You’ll want to be aware of your sources on these and make sure you purchase them in dark-colored, glass bottles (glass preferable, but plastic is ok if you can’t find it). Keep these oils in a cool, dry place and never heat them!

*Of course, you can use Extra-Virgin Olive Oil for dressings & salads as well, but it’s more stable than these other oils so not included here.

Some examples include…

oils to cook with

Saturated Fats

Saturated fats have been considered for years to be the most stable type of fat to cook with. They are stable up to very high levels of heat because they lack carbon-carbon double bonds.

Monounsaturated Fats

Monounsaturated fats are more stable than polyunsaturated, but not as stable as saturated fats. They have 1 carbon-carbon double bond. They can withstand low-medium high heat.

When you replace your damaged, processed oils for healthy fats, you’ll enjoy benefits including reduced inflammation, better brain health, and glowing skin. You are what you eat, especially when it comes to your choices of fats.

I hope this guide was helpful for you!! If you learned something new, I’d love to hear about it in a comment.

