The Christian Nutritionist

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104: Best of Podcast Tips and Inspiration (Year 2)

In celebration of my podcast birthday, we’re revisiting the juiciest tips and inspiration from the year. Tune in to get a great overview of the most important things we talked about all boiled down into one podcast episode.

And be sure to leave a review in Apple Podcasts for a chance to win one of my favorite Cellcore products. I’ll be picking a daily winner all week long.

EPISODE 104: Best of Podcast Tips and Inspiration (Year 2)

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(0:00) Intro

  • Today is my podcast birthday!

  • We are going over the best of podcast tips and inspiration for year #2

  • Be sure to leave a review in Apple Podcasts for a chance to win one of my favorite Cellcore products. I’ll be picking a daily winner all week long!

(3:36) 54: Hormone Testing 

  • The downside of blood/serum testing

  • A really good method for testing hormones is through saliva or dried urine.

    • I really like the DUTCH test. DUTCH stands for Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones and it IS comprehensive.

      • Use code cbn100

    • You get a lot of valuable information from it including cortisol testing for the adrenals and extra information about how well estrogen is being metabolized and detoxified. 

(8:35) 55: Crisis Eating 

  • In the Self-Coaching Christians model we use - the circumstance is neutral. It’s what we THINK about the circumstances in  our life that lead to a feeling, which lead to an action, which lead to a result. Thoughts lead to results.

  • If you don’t like the results you’re getting in your life, you need to do a thought audit.

    • What are the thoughts that are leading you there? This is a good time to check in with yourself on your health and body goals compared to where you were a year ago. Have you progressed? Regressed? Stuck at a standstill? Still in a yo-yo?

    • Results start with thoughts. 

(10:47) 57: Salty and Lit

  • In this episode we talked about Functional Christianity

    • How are you showing up in the world as the salt and the light of Jesus Christ?

    • When we absorb Him through the word and the Holy Spirit, his light will also direct our day and our night in the best way. And we can show up as his light in the world. 

  • We also talked about the physical importance of salt to the body.

    • Two favorite salts are Redmond’s Real Salt and Celtic grey salt - we must have salt for so many functions to occur properly in the body.

    • Are we bringing Jesus’ flavor and flame into the world? Are we going to be salty and lit? 

(12:54) 58: The Liver Bucket 

  • When you think of how much you ask your liver to deal with and detoxify on a daily basis - it’s staggering. It’s no wonder our livers are bogged down and our detoxification function compromised.

  • One of that many many things the liver does is to detoxify excess hormones in the body.

  • If you are using a lot of products with xenoestrogens - which are chemical estrogens found in things like your skin care products and plastics that add to your estrogen overload and you are making it even harder for your body to detoxify hormones.

  • Read your food labels and avoid dyes and inflammatory oils.

  • Seasonal liver detox.

    • We will be doing our regular seasonal detox in April in The Christian Health Club where we limit protein and amp our veggie and fruit intake and be very aware and intentional about the things we are allowing into and on our bodies. 

(15:15) 59: Purpose of the Body

  • This is our theme for the May round of Feast 2 Fast which  coincides with the season of Pentecost.

  • 1 Corinthians 6:19- Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit?

  • Our highest health goal is to be an excellent vessel for the Holy Spirit.

  • Taking care of your body is holy business because when you feel well, you serve well. And that makes the world a better place. I love that round of Feast 2 Fast® - it starts the first Monday of May which is May 3rd this year. Come join us for that. 

(16:57) 60: Body Weight Set Point and Busting Through Metabolic Plateaus

  • The magic of metabolic health is based on variation.

  • You can get stuck at a metabolic plateau but variation, changeup, keeps your metabolism on its toes and fired up.

  • Feasting and fasting is such an awesome and effective dietary strategy.

  • Doing short bursts of intense exercise like sprints or HIIT workouts are much more effective than steady state cardio.

  • If you’re stuck at a metabolic plateau, change it up!

    • Add in higher carb days here and there, add in longer fasts here and there (in F2F we call these Superfasts). Do some sprints or high intensity interval training. All of these can help you bust through a metabolic plateau. It’s all the things we do in Feast 2 Fast®. 

(18:44) 62: Answering Your Hormones Questions 

  • The question I always had was Our Bible sisters didn’t use hormones, why should we?

  • Our Bible sisters were not exposed to the thousands of toxic and hormone disrupting chemicals that we face on a DAILY basis in our foods, skin products, cleaning supplies and the air we breathe. To put it bluntly, their bodies weren’t as jacked up as ours! 

  • Plus, they DID have access to nature’s pharmacy - tons of plant compounds that God put on the Earth that they utilized to boost their womanly health.

    • We have those options available to us today too plus bioidentical hormones that better match our body than the synthetic ones.

(20:40) 63: Your Sun Prescription: Sun, Food, Supplements, Zinc

  • Some photoprotective foods and supplements so that you can be in the sun longer without getting burned.

    • Healthy fats - especially Omega-3 fatty acids which we mostly get from fish or fish oil.

    • Foods high in carotenoids like  goji berries, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, watermelon and cantaloupe (those are all high in carotenoids) they are very highly pigmented in the warm red and orange color and they are known to be useful as systemic sun protectants.

    • You could drink more green tea or take an EGCG supplement which is a compound found in green tea that has been shown in studies to offer preventive effects against the sun. It’s also a good one for firing up the metabolism. 

    • Astaxanthin - which is another good one to incorporate at this time of the year-  it serves as a natural sunscreen in marine plants. It is a really potent antioxidant. 

  • When you do need sunscreen You want to go for a mineral based sunscreen like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, which create a physical barrier to protect the skin from the sun.

  • Do not be rubbing a bunch of chemicals on your body from conventional sunscreens and then let the bake into your skin. 

(23:22) 65: Why You Need More Protein 

  • The Search for the Perfect Protein by Dr. Minkoff

  • Minkoff boldly claims: 

    • All people with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome are protein malnourished. 

    • All depressed people and people with anxiety are protein malnourished. 

    • All osteoporitic patients are protein malnourished.

    • All patients with cancer are malnourished.

    • All patients with autoimmune diseases Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis are protein malnourished. 

    • All patients with sleep disorders are protein malnourished.

    • All Parkinson’s patients are protein malnourished. 

    • And all Alzheimer’s dementia patients are protein malnourished.

  • We need protein to build muscle, muscle helps us burn fat and shape our bodies - helping us to lean us out and become stronger.

  • I’d recommend at least 70-90 grams of protein on most days.

    • Doctors like Dr. Minkoff and Dr. Gabrielle Lyon (who I also like to follow on this) recommend even more.

(26:25) 66: The 5-Step Healing Process

  1. Identify and Remove Stressors - food, gut dysbiosis/infection, chemicals, sources of stress

  2. Create your dietary protocol 

  3. Build in healthy  lifestyle and stress-reducing activities - sleep, sunshine, movement, meditating on God’s word and His love for you

  4. Add in helpful supplements

  5. Time - people don’t give their bodies enough time - to see progress, to lose weight, to heal

(30:10) 68: Heck Yeah Self-Control 

  • “All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but not all things build up. - 1 Cor 6:12

  • Like a city whose walls are broken through is a person who lacks self-control. - Proverbs 25:28

  • If you find yourself OOC with your Heck Yeahs, the top strategies are to:

    • #1. Stick to your Top 10 Heck Yeahs only for 3 months - abstain from any that cause you the domino effect - to overeat or lead you to other unhealthy choices

    • #2. Only Eat your Heck Yeahs on Feast Days.

    • #3. Track  your food - in a journal, in an app - good for self-accountability

(32:55) 71: Overcoming Scale Drama

  • Proverbs 4:23 says, “More than anything you guard, protect your mind, for life flows from it.”

  • We want to approach our scale number like a neutral journalist or investigative reporter who is just gathering the facts. 

    • You could get curious about the number on the scale without getting judgmental. 

(34:59) 73: Back to School, Back to Health, Back to God

  • This episode was all about how I approach my family’s nutrition - here  are some good takeaways:

    • We try to eat eggs 4 days a week for breakfast.

    • I encourage my kids to eat their protein first, or at least for that to be the main focus of what they  eat - that gives them the biggest bang for their buck when it comes to health and growth.

    • As far as supplements go my strategy at that time and still is to alternate liver capsules with fish oil. I don’t think in nature you would eat liver every single day or necessarily eat fish every single day. I think alternating them is a great strategy. I love liver as a whole food vitamin source. The fish oil gives them EPA and DHA for their brains. I also regularly give them the CT minerals and Mito ATP from Cellcore and sometimes iodine.

(37:09) 74: Circadian Rhythm Feeding and Fasting 

  • It’s natural for our feeding window (the hours that we eat during the day) and our fasting window (the amount of time we fast overnight) to change according to season and sunlight.

    • When the sun is out longer - such as in summer, it’s natural for our feeding window to be longer and the fasting window to be shorter.

    • In winter, when there’s less light and it gets dark earlier,  it’s more natural for our feeding window to be shorter and our fasting window to be longer.

(38:55) 75: PCOS with Dr. Heather Rhodes 

  • When I asked Dr. Rhodes what she has found the biggest game-changers to be when it comes to balancing hormones and for addressing PCOS naturally - she said.

    • Understanding the type of PCOS you have.

    • MTHFR gene - intolerances

    • Lifestyle - Could this be contributing to some of the symptoms I’m having?

    • Stabilizing blood sugar

    • Lowering stress hormone levels

    • Understanding movement in a way that will support hormones.

(40:24) 76: Stocking Your Fridge and Pantry 

  • Always check the Dirty Dozen list to know what produce to buy organic.

  • Some of my favorite staples:

    • Aroy-d coconut milk for my coffee

    • Coconut aminos instead of soy sauce - soy can cause a host of problems in the body and I avoid it.

    • Primal Kitchen salad dressings - most salad dressings use soybean or canola oil and you know how we feel about those. Don’t drench your beautiful salad with inflammatory oils.

    • Redmond’s Real salt or Celtic grey salt. Put a pinch of those in your water to get some trace minerals.

    • Mary’s Gone crackers - the original not the seedy ones - are the best gluten free crackers on the planet. 

(42:54) 77: Your New Body: Evidence of Things Not Seen 

  • Hebrews 11:1 - Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

  • We talked about getting evidence from our future self - the one who has already accomplished the health goals we want to achieve.

  • I asked you to think about two questions:

    • What would your future self, the one at the ideal weight who feels great in her body - what would she tell you to stop doing right now.? What would  she tell you to start doing?

(44:17) 79: The Equinox Detox

  • Doing a short cleanse or detox around the changing of the seasons is a great thing to do.

  • In the CHC we do these short 3-day detoxes four times a year that cycle out protein and really focus on veggies and fruits.

    • This falls into that metabolic variation category where changing things up keeps the metabolism on its toes, helps keep it flexible and fired up.

    • CHC members, we’ll be doing our spring detox in April since we’re right in the middle of Feast 2 Fast.

(45:37) 80: 5 Health Books That Changed My Life:

(45:59) 82: Energy Testing, Supplement Talk and Beauty Tips with Leslie 

  • This was such a fun conversation with Leslie and we talked about so many juicy things - we talked about muscle testing, parasite cleansing, and how Leslie shaves her face  - she learned to do that from her Japanese roommate who was a model and how it helps encourage healthy cell turnover in your skin.

  • We talked about how we mix Hydroxygen on our skin (mixed with Mineral Essence)

(48:28) 83: Meal and Exercise Planning for a Healthy Cycle 

  • Follicular phase: You want to get plenty of cruciferous veggies, incorporate flax and pumpkin seed, you can eat more carbs,  and it’s the time to do harder, more intense workouts.

  • Luteal phase: Focus on protein and healthy fats for blood sugar regulation, keep carbs under control, sunflower and sesame seeds for seed cycling and lighter, more restorative exercise like walking and yoga. 

(49:21) 85: 6 Thoughts That Lead to Yo-Yo Dieting 

  • I’ll start after, I’ll start when, I already messed up so, Better eat it while I can, I’ll eat it now so it’ll all be gone, It’s not working anyway.

  • Take captive these thoughts!

(50:14) 86: Drainage Before Detox 

  • Drainage passageways must be open before we can detox.

  • Cellcore approach

    • CT Minerals, Bowel Mover, Tudca for bile 

(51:40) 87: Nutritional Therapy for ADHD with Holly Carter 

  • Her son had ADHD and side effects from medication including seizures

  • Gluten, dairy, corn, soy, and sugar do damage to the gut and digestive system.

  • Recommendations:

    • Omega 3s,  - high doses had similar effect to ritalin

    • Multi-vitamin

    • Vitamin B 6

    • Added zinc, magnesium, probiotics

    • Digestive enzymes in lieu of changing diet 

    • Stop inflaming gut / Heal gut

    • Addressing Candida tripled his attention span!

(53:40) 90: Podcast with Mike McNeal  

  • Parasites are much more common than we think. 

  • Liquid supplements are incredibly bioacitve, meaning they are used by the body so beautifully and efficiently - going to get your cells

  • Three amigos are the top three anti-aging products at a cellular level.

    • Mito ATP, CT Minerals and the Hydroxygen 

    • Energy shots

(56:08) 91: Intro to Homeopathy 

  • Tip: use cell salts to help your body utilize minerals in diet

  • Cell Salts stimulate the body’s natural healing mechanisms to satisfy mineral imbalances. 

    • Hyland’s Bioplasma (cell salt combination) - electrolyte replacement 

    • There are different kinds of cell salts - mag phos is great for menstrual cramps 

(57:42) 92: The Soul of Wine 

  • Setting boundaries around drinking wine.

(58:45) 93: My Journey with Bread 

  • The evolution: Mrs’ Baird’s, bakery bread, ezekiel bread, store bought GF bread, homemade GF bread - next sourdough

  • I used to be scared of God, avoid Him - it was also the time period that I avoided bread, now I eat the bread (not afraid of carbs) and seek the Bread of Life. 

(1:00:26) 94: Shiny Diet Syndrome

  • Find something that works long term 

(1:00:52) 95: Time Management 

  • Stewarding one of our greatest resources: time  

  • Book: Stewarding Life:

    • God has given each of us a unique set of desires, aptitudes and gifts to creatively fulfill our purpose. What God has called you to do can only be done by you, and it can only be done in one lifetime. Numbered days demand focused lives. 

    • Satan will do all he can to destroy your time on earth. If he can’t destroy it by sinful living, he will devour you by eating up your time with activities of no eternal value. 

  • The Monday Hour 1 strategy which is basically spending 1 hour at the beginning of the week to plan out your rest time, your fun time, your work time, your family time.

(1:03:09) 96: Biblical Food Observations from Genesis

  • Noah, a farmer, made a new start and planted a vineyard. Genesis 9:20

  • Genesis 30:14 & Genesis 30:16

  • God preferred Abel’s sacrifice over Cain’s, Cain got mad and killed his brother. 

1:06:17) 97: Iridology with Dr. Rebecca Thomas 

  • Iridology and sclerology which are the studies of the iris and the whites of the eyes It gives you a picture of what is going on your body in a quick manner that in non-invasive.

    • 85-90% accuracy

    • In 97% of people the right eye shows the genetics pattern from the father

    • The left eye show the genetic pattern from the mother.

    • Hormonal headaches: Feverfew to discourage Platelet aggregation

    • We also talked about the importance of iodine - I feel like my brain woke up when I started taking it.

(107:38) 98: Top 10 Health GameChangers 

  • #1 Hydration - Get half of your weight in ounces of water per day.

(108:04) 99: Ancient Remedies with Dr Josh Axe

  • Ancient Remedies is an amazing resource and I know many of you bought after hearing this podcast so you have access to all that goodness.

  • I asked him if he eats pork and shellfish - he said no. I am working on a podcast about this and I did give up bacon for Lent.

  • I asked him about meat in the diet and he said 95% of people with do better with some sort of animal protein in the diet.

  • I asked him about eating wheat - he said no - unless maybe you’re on vacation in Italy or something but that generally speaking, it’s harmful to health. He’s not big on eating too many grains either but did say that the most gentle on the body are rice, oats, and quinoa.

  • I asked him about ingesting essential oils and he said it depends on the oil but you do have to be careful. I just wanted you to hear that so you don’t overdo EOs internally, they can really affect the balance of your microbiome. 

(1:09:45) 100: Gut Reset to Budge Weight Loss 

  • My story of my body weight range shifting down both times I did a gut reset and how if you are stuck at a plateau and have already employed the variation strategy we talked about with metabolic flexibility, a gut reset could help.

  • In fact, I think just about everybody can benefit from a good reset, especially is you’ve ever been on an antibiotic in your life and who hasn’t. We talked about the five big strategies of a good gut protocol

  • You have to also go in and more aggressively address the pathogens that have been allowed to take over, you have to support the body with digestive supports as needed which may included digestive enzymes, stomach acid and bile support, you want to bind and drain - bind up the things you are killing off with a binder and make sure the drainage pathways are open AND, finally, use a probiotic and/or probiotic foods to help repopulate the good bacteria.

(1:10:56) 101: Functional Approach to Interpreting Cardiovascular Lab Markers

  • A Functional Lab range versus a standard Lab range

  • I am a candidate for a statin by conventional standards but that’s just looking at those numbers at face value without context.

(1:12:41) 102: From Vegan to MeatEater with Beth Schultz

  • Amazing story of  how Beth lost 100 pounds, overcame lyme and MS and found Jesus while she was doing a 10-day master cleanse.

  • Beth successfully used a vegan diet as a short term cleanse and then found her ultimate healing by adding in animal sourced food.

    • It perfectly speaks to what we’re always talking about here: Genesis 1:29, Genesis 9:3  - eat plants, eat animals.

(1:13:50) 103: Minimalism

(1:14:21) 104: Best of Podcast 

  • And here we are!

  • Leave a review on itunes to be in the running for a daily drawing this week!

  • Click here to see the full archive of CHC Podcast!

(1:15:59) Outro & Disclaimer

Thanks for listening! Have a healthy and blessed week!

