155: The State of Receiving Food with Ellen Roufs, FNTP
The way our body receives food is as important as the food that goes into it. God designed each step of the process to work in a certain way and that requires us to be active participants in ensuring its success. This involves reaching out to our Healer as we receive His healing provision.
In this week’s episode, fellow FNTP Ellen Roufs is joining me to explain this full spirit, mind, body process and how we can best put ourselves in the posture for receiving.
Come listen and learn how to activate your system to its fullest wellbeing.
EPISODE 155: The State of Receiving Food with Ellen Roufs, FNTP
Show Notes
(0:00) Intro
Hello my friend welcome back to the club how are you today?
Last week we talked about how Superfasting leads to Superfeasting. We are right upon the season of Lent, Feast 2 Fast starts this week - I hope you’ll be joining us.
We’re putting ourselves in a better position to hear the Lord, to better receive what He has for us.
Today I want to expand on this idea about putting our bodies in the state of receiving to optimize the ability to utilize God’s provision of food.
To help talk about this topic today I have a colleague, a fellow NTP, Ellen Roufs! Welcome Ellen to the Christian Health Club Podcast.
(4:35) Tell us what led you to the holistic health space
Experience with disordered eating.
Wanted to honor my body, but my behaviors were formed by destructive messaging of diet culture.
Now want to be the person I needed and to educate others with the truth about their goodness through beauty.
(7:08) State of Receiving:
What is it (aka parasympathetic state)
Sympathetic state = Fight or Flight response
Important for an ordered relationship with food/body
Also important for digestive health (interconnected)
Parallel with our relationship with the Lord (we need to receive)
(12:31) Tips for eating in a parasympathetic state:
Digestion begins in the brain
Sitting down, moving around hinders digestion.
Putting your food on a plate.
Look at it, smell it, anticipating the food that you’re eating.
Saying a blessing, speaking directly to God.
Human experience of enjoying food.
(21:30) If we are not in the State of Receiving, how does this affect digestion?
Stages of digestion
Importance of chewing well
Roles of stomach acid
Myth busting acid reflux
Microbiome health
Small intestine
SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth)
Role of bile
Leaky gut
(35:22) Integrity of the gut lining:
Things that compromise:
Autoimmune issues
Food triggers
Things that help:
Bone broth / collagen
Aloe vera juice
Anti-inflammatory herbs like ginger and turmeric
MMC (migrating motor complex)
Establishing a pattern of eating
(42:29) Gut Health & Microbiome:
Roles in absorption and the immune system
Microbiome health promotes whole body health
Gut/Brain connection:
Influence on mental wellbeing
Mood disorders
Hormonal imbalances
Overall energy
Cardiovascular health
(48:06) Marketing & Myth busting:
Fermented foods
Fermented dairy products
Prebiotics / Probiotics
A good probiotics indicates the strains of bacteria
Soil based organisms
(105:13) State of Receiving brought full circle:
Allowing the Lord to be a source of nourishment
(107:22) Anchor Questions:
Anchor meal:
Ground beef skillet
Anchor verse:
Genesis 1
Where can people find you?
IG: madewholenutrition
(111:39) Outro & Disclaimer
Thanks for listening! Have a healthy and blessed week!