The Christian Nutritionist

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201: Favorite Podcast Replay: Top 10 Health Gamechangers

In this week’s throwback episode, we’re reviewing my Top 10 Health Gamechangers: including how much protein and carbs you should target, the first rule of good digestion and the daily non-negotiables. This is one of my most popular podcasts ever and these foundational principles will you get you your greatest results.
We also talk about some of my favorite supplements. I recently revamped my Master Wellness and Supplement List which you can get HERE. Always keep in mind that you can never out-supplement poor diet and lifestyle choices (the Top 10 Gamechangers) but you can layer them in for extra boosts and support.
Whether this episode is new or a refresher for you, it's a good overview of the most impactful health habits.

EPISODE 201: Favorite Podcast Replay: Top 10 Health Gamechangers

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(0:00) Intro

  • Today we are talking about the Top 10 Health Gamechangers

    • Master List

      • This is my master “go-to” list for health and supplement recommendations.

      • Keep in mind that supplements are no replacement for the foundations of health.

(3:48) #1. Drink Water

  • How much?

    • ½ your body weight in ounces per day (don’t exceed much more than 100 oz/day.

  • Water makes up about 60% our total body mass. It helps transport nutrients, flush toxins, remove waste, regulate body temp, absorb shock to joints and organs, lubricate and cushion  joints...just to name a few. 

  • If the body’s water content drops by as little as 2% it will cause fatigue. 

  • A drop of 10% will cause significant health problems to the digestive, cardiovascular, immune and musculoskeletal systems. 

  • Losses greater than 10% of water on the body can cause death. 

  • Early signs of dehydration:

    • Fatigue, anxiety, irritability, depression, cravings, cramps and headaches.

  • Mature signs of dehydration:

    • Heartburn, joint pain, back pain, migraines, fibromyalgia, constisrpion, and colitis. 

  • Water before coffee

(8:24) #2. Avoid Inflammatory Oils

  • This includes soybean, cottonseed, canola, vegetable, corn, sunflower, safflower, grapeseed oil.

  • These are all oils that came on the scene, introduced into our food supply relatively recently - in the last 100 years or so but consumption has skyrocketed in the last 50 years. Coincides with a lot of lifestyle health problems like obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease that have become so prevalent in our society and did not used to be such a crisis. 

  • They are inflammatory at a cellular level.

  • These oils can lead to mitochondrial breakdown in the adipocytes which are your fat cells and essentially “break” their function. Your body will store more fat and burn less fat due to this mitochondrial breakdown.

  • Even if weight is not a problem, these oils will keep the fire of inflammation burning in your body.

  • You want to use EVOO, coconut oil, butter, avocado oil

(17:33) #3. Eat 70-90 grams of protein a day

  • Protein is the macronutrient I plan my meals around.

  • Tt’s the macro that I have taught my kids to prioritize because protein is going to make you feel the most full, it’s the most satiating.

  • It’s the macro that’s going to most build your body - your body structure from your muscles to your skin to your hair to your bones. Proteins from animal sources give us the most efficient delivery of amino acids which are the building blocks of the body.

  • If you’re aiming for a number you want protein to be about 70-90 grams on most days, some professionals say even higher - especially when weight loss and building muscle are goals. 

  • Around 20%-30% of your food intake should come from protein. It’s the carbs and the fats that are going to be more variable, but protein is your steady eddy.

    • I do believe in protein cycling which is occasionally lowering your protein intake to allow the body to do some inner cleanup. That’s why I build  the seasonal detoxes into The Christian Health Club’s annual schedule.

    • Four times a year we do a 3-day lower protein plan which is a good change-up for the body on occasion but for most of the year, we’re getting a steady  intake of protein for health.

(21:46) #4. Keep Carbs under 75 grams most days.

  • In Feast 2 Fast we work within a few carb ranges but most days we’re keeping it under 75ish grams.

    • On Feast days we increase that number and it all works to train the body for metabolic flexibility.

  • One of the main reasons I created Feast 2 Fast is because so many of my clients, I’d say 90%, had blood sugar dysregulation come up as a major problem on their nutritional assessment.

    • Health issues they were facing were weight problems, low energy, crazy cravings, poor sleep and so much of that is due to the amount of carbs they were eating and the type of carb they were eating.  

(25:55) #5. Eat leafy greens and/or cruciferous veggies daily

  • Cruciferous: broccoli, cauliflower, brussels, cabbage

  • These types of veggies can really impact our health for the better

    • Women: helps detox estrogen

Top Lifestyle Gamechangers

(29:55) #6. Spend time in God’s Word / spend time with God

  • Remember we recently  talked about how we steward our time and how part of that is scheduling a little 1:1 time with the Lord. How are we managing that? 

(31:12) #7. Get 10,000 step daily

  • I think about how often Jesus and the disciples walked. Or how active the women would have been in their daily chores. They moved naturally throughout the day.

  • When it comes to exercise, do whatever is enjoyable and what you’re going to stick to. I think most fitness professionals will tell you that a mix of some cardio and strength training really is best.

(34:47) #8. Get 7-9 hours of sleep

  • Time Management Podcast

  • Taking time for rest and retreating from the crazy of the world.

  • The body is doing so much detox work while it’s sleeping.

  • Sleep is as important as food! Make it a priority for yourself.

(38:12) #9. Sit while you’re eating 

  • If you’re not sitting down, your body is not prepared to release gastric juices and everything it needs to break down the food.

  • We must be in parasympathetic state (rest and digest)

  • Take a deep breath, say grace.

(41:38) #10. Fast 12-16 hours

  • Improves metabolic flexibility, reduces inflammation, helps repair mitochondria, improves cognitive function.

  • You’ve got to make it work for your real life so that you can stick with it.

(46:15) #11. Get daily sunlight 

  • Sunlight beams into our body and signals the brain about where our bodies are in time and space in relation to the earth.

  • It’s what sets our circadian rhythm which is our internal clock. It tells us when to sleep and when to wake, it releases hormones based on the information it gets from light or doesn’t get from light. It’s what anchors our entire day. 

  • One of the best things you can do - especially if you suffer from cortisol dysregulation, adrenal fatigue or sleep issues - is to expose your eyes to the morning sun as soon as you can.

    • It helps signal our body to release cortisol appropriately throughout the day and to release melatonin, our sleep hormone at night.

  • The sun helps us is by making Vitamin D. 

  • Sunlight energize our mitochondria.

(50:44) Supplemental Support:

Cold  &  Virus  Support

  • Zinc  (Amazon or Fullscript) Want to know if you’re zinc deficient? Learn how to do the Self-Test here.

    • Zinc vital for immune system function can inhibit replication and acitviity of viruses, it can shorten the duration. Several studies that show that sucking on zinc lozenges on the onset of symptoms can reduce duration of cold symptoms. 

  • Vitamin D (Amazon or Fullscript) Optimal blood level is generally thought to be between 40-60 ng/mL (nanograms/milliliter) -  be sure to test annually so that you are not under or over.

  • Vitamin C (Amazon or Fullscript)

  • Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can strengthen your body’s natural defenses 

  • NAC (Amazon or Fullscript)

    • NAC: 1 per day (BR) NAC (N-acetyl-L-cysteine) functions as a potent antioxidant. It is the precursor to and essential for the synthesis of glutathione Glutathione is your body’s master antioxidant. Your cells use glutathione as a powerful shield against oxidative stress from your diet, lifestyle and everyday living.

  • Antioxidants are compounds that inhibit oxidation. Oxidation produces free radicals that damage cells - from foods, from stress, from environmental toxins. We need these antioxidants in our body to counteract these free radicals  - they drag down our immune function.

    • Elderberry (Amazon or Fullscript)

    • There are about 30 types of elder plants and trees around the world. Its history dates back as far as 400 BC, and Hippocrates, the “Father of Medicine,” called the elder tree his “medicine chest.” The berries and flowers of elderberry are packed with antioxidants and vitamins that can help boost your immune system.. 

  • Immune Support Blend  - UltraVirex (Amazon or Fullscript)
    Blend of not only vitamin A, C, and zinc but also astagulus, bee propolis, maitaike mushroom - potent immune supporters

  • Cellcore:

    • ViRadChem Binder (Cellcore)

      • Focuses on binding and removing radiation, viruses, retroviruses and more.

    • Biotoxin binder This formulation is designed to target specific biotoxins like mycotoxins from mold and ammonia, as well as bacteria, parasites, and other byproducts from yeast, fungi, and viruses.

    • HM ET  - heavy metals and environmental toxins 

    • Extra support: Nebulize one drop of Cellcore’s Hydroxygen in water several times a day (not too late in the day as it can be energizing to the brain).


  • Goodbye midday slumps and naps. These Cellcore products will change your life! You will need my code to set up an account to order: CAYDJR57

  • Energy Boost Pack: MitoATP, CT Minerals and Fulvic Iodine

  • Mix a dropperful of MitoATP and CT Minerals into water and drink. 

  • Take 1 tablet of iodine in the morning (do not take without consulting doctor if you have an autoimmune thyroid condition) 

  • Hydroxygen - helps oxygenate the cells - helps damaged cells but it really wakes up the brain 



  • Adrenal Cocktail Capsule  (vit c, potassium, salt) OR Adrenal Healing Creamsicle Drink (oj, cream, collagen and salt)

  • Apex Energetics Adaptocrine (adaptogenic blend of Panax ginseng, ashwagandha, holy basil, rhodiola, eleuthero, plus some vitamin C, as well as betaine HCl and enzymes to support the absorption of this product). Amazon or Fullscript)

  • Access the full Master List HERE

So the brothers and sisters, be glad in the Lord. It’s no trouble for me to repeat the same things to you because they will help keep you on track. Philippians 3:1

(1:09:14) Outro & Disclaimer

Thanks for listening! Have a healthy and blessed week!

