218: Metabolic Oxidative Priority
Oxidative Priority is the order in which your body burns fuel and this is important for understanding how your body burns fat (or doesn’t burn fat). This is the order it prioritizes:
1. Alcohol
2. Exogenous Ketones
3. Carbs (sugar)
4. Protein (IF you need to make sugar, but it’s not your body’s preferred way to use it)
5. Fat
This means you have to get through quite a bit of fuel before your body utilizes fat. In this week’s episode, we’re talking about how to optimize your body’s oxidative process so that you can burn both fat and carbs (sugar) efficiently. Listen in and learn how to optimize metabolic flexibility.
EPISODE 218: Metabolic Oxidative Priority
(0:00) Intro: Today we are talking about oxidative priority, or more simply put, the order in which our body burns its fuel.
(1:20) Update following the leptin podcast
(5:40) The crux behind Feast 2 Fast and how it’s different than dietary trends
(9:34) Introducing today’s topic: Oxidative Priority and Metabolic Flexibility
(10:45) The role of oxygen in making and releasing energy
(12:45) When it comes to oxidative priority, the body has to take care of the most volatile fuels first (storage capacity)
Exogenous Ketones
Carbs (sugar)
Protein (IF you need to make sugar, but it’s not your body’s preferred way to use it)
(21:42) Fuel Tanks explained
1. Blood sugar
2. Stored sugar (glycogen) in the liver and muscles
3. Fatty acids in the blood
4. Body Fat
(25:00) So what can we do? Diving deeper into the following:
Be mindful of your alcohol intake.
You want to keep carbs moderated.
(33:18) Outro & Disclaimer
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Thanks for listening! Have a healthy and blessed week!