The Christian Nutritionist

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232: How To Ground During The Winter

Grounding is an important health practice year round, but it’s much more challenging in the winter time. In this week’s episode, I’m giving you lots of outdoor and indoor tips for how to ground when the weather is cold.

232: How To Ground During The Winter

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Hello, dear friends and fellow health enthusiasts! Welcome back to our cozy corner where we discuss all things health and wellness. Today's topic is particularly close to my heart – grounding in winter. With the "30 Hard" challenge starting on January 2nd in The Christian Health Club, we're brainstorming ways to maintain our sun and grounding routines despite the chilly weather.

The Challenge of Winter Grounding

Winter poses a unique challenge for grounding, especially when you live in colder climates. While I'm based in Texas, where snow is a rare guest, many of our members in The CHC hail from regions with harsh winters. This diversity within our community has pushed me to think creatively about grounding in colder months.

A Quick Recap on Grounding

Grounding, or earthing, involves direct contact with the Earth's surface to absorb its natural electrons. These electrons are essential for our health, aiding in reducing inflammation and improving sleep, among other benefits. Historically, our ancestors grounded naturally, walking barefoot and using natural materials in their clothing and footwear. However, in today's world of synthetic materials, we've lost much of this natural connection.

Outdoor Grounding Options

Despite the cold, outdoor grounding remains the most effective way to connect with the Earth. Here are some ways to keep grounding outdoors, even in winter:

1. Grounding Shoes

Invest in grounding shoes. They're a lifesaver during cold months, allowing electron transfer while keeping your feet warm. I personally love my Harmony 783 sneakers.

2. Leather Soles and Natural Materials

Leather-soled shoes or 100% cotton socks can also facilitate grounding, as natural materials allow electrons to pass through.

3. Grounding through Animals

Interestingly, grounding can also occur through animals. If you're touching a grounded animal, like a horse, you're also grounding. It's a fantastic way to stay connected to the Earth's energy.

Indoor Grounding Techniques

When outdoor grounding isn't feasible, here are some indoor alternatives:

1. Unsealed Concrete Floors

You can ground on unsealed concrete floors in basements or garages. Wearing grounding shoes or socks enhances this experience.

2. Grounding Gloves

Using grounding gloves, touch a tree or a grounded metal rod outside. It might sound unconventional, but it's an effective way to ground during winter.

3. Bathing and Water Contact

Taking a bath can be grounding, especially if your feet are in contact with the metal faucet. The water from municipal supplies is usually grounded, offering an easy indoor grounding solution.

4. Grounding Mats

Grounding mats are a controversial yet potentially effective indoor grounding method. I advise caution and research when using these, especially regarding their interaction with electrical fields.

The Importance of Consistency

Remember, the key to successful grounding is consistency, not perfection. Aiming for at least 10 minutes a day is a great start, but every little bit helps.

Join the Challenge!

If you're intrigued and want to take your health to the next level, consider joining us in The Christian Health Club for the "30 Hard" challenge. It's a community effort to stay grounded (literally and figuratively!) and improve our health together.


Grounding in winter might require a bit more creativity and effort, but it's entirely possible and immensely beneficial. Whether you're braving the cold outdoors or finding ways to connect with the Earth's energy indoors, every step counts towards better health. Remember, it's about integrating our modern lives with the wisdom of nature and our ancestors, staying true to our body's natural needs.

Stay grounded, stay healthy, and embrace the winter season as an opportunity for growth and connection!

For more tips, insights, and health guidance, subscribe to my Sunday Sendout, and don't forget to check out the wealth of resources available on my website. Join The Christian Health Club for a community-centered approach to health and wellness!

Stay Grounded and Healthy! 🌱❄️✨

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Thanks for listening! Have a healthy and blessed week!

