The Christian Nutritionist

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233: Morley Reads My Lab Results

In this week’s episode, Morley reads my lab results which include specific markers he finds helpful for determining root cause issues. Some interesting points include:

  • My low magnesium (even though I take magnesium daily)

  • My Vitamin D - he thinks is high but would be considered low by many standards

  • My low Vitamin A - it should 3x higher than my Vitamin D

  • My high iron - affected by these other markers that are off

It’s a technical, but fascinating, episode full of information. Come listen and take notes to see how you measure up!

233: Morley Reads My Lab Results

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Morley Reads My Lab Results: A Deep Dive into Health Markers

Hello, dear friends and health enthusiasts! Welcome back to our space where we explore and discuss all aspects of health. Today's blog takes a unique turn as I share with you my recent experience of having Morley Robbins, a renowned author and health expert, analyze my lab results.

My Journey with Lab Results

I've always been proactive about my health, often analyzing my own lab results. However, this time, I decided to take a step further and have Morley Robbins review them. His book "Cure Your Fatigue," a must-read in our School of Christian Health and Nutrition, delves into the often-overlooked interplay between various essential nutrients and minerals.

Feeling Exposed but Enlightened

Admittedly, sharing my lab results publicly felt a bit exposing. But I believe in transparency and the power of shared learning. As Morley dissected my results, I realized this was an opportunity not just for personal insight but also for all of you to learn alongside me.

Key Markers and Surprising Findings

Morley focused on specific markers crucial for identifying root cause issues. Here's a snapshot of what we discovered:

1. The Magnesium Mystery

Despite taking magnesium daily, my levels were surprisingly low. This was a revelation, considering I even use the supplement Morley recommends. It goes to show that even with proactive measures, our bodies can react differently than expected.

2. Vitamin D: A Different Perspective

My Vitamin D levels, which I considered optimal at a score of 40, were deemed slightly high by Morley. This goes against the grain of common medical opinions, highlighting how mainstream narratives can sometimes overshadow individual health needs.

3. Low Vitamin A and Its Implications

My Vitamin A was lower than expected. Morley emphasized that ideally, it should be three times higher than Vitamin D levels. This imbalance can have significant effects on overall health.

4. The Iron Conundrum

Interestingly, my iron levels were high, influenced by the imbalances in other markers. This highlights the complex interplay of nutrients in our body and the importance of a holistic view of health.

Technical Yet Insightful

Our conversation ventured into technical territories at times, but it was packed with valuable insights. Morley's expertise shone through as he connected the dots between various health markers and their broader implications.

Practical Takeaways

From this enlightening session, I gleaned practical steps to rebalance my nutrient levels. Morley's recommendations were tailored to address the specific imbalances we uncovered, offering a more personalized approach to my health journey.

Offering You the Same Opportunity

For members of The Christian Health Club interested in this level of detailed analysis, I've arranged for a special panel to test these specific markers. It's an opportunity to delve deeper into your health, beyond standard medical panels.

Conclusion: Embracing Personalized Health

This episode with Morley Robbins was more than just a review of my lab results; it was a journey into the depths of personalized health. It underscored the importance of understanding that our bodies are unique, and what's considered 'normal' or 'optimal' can vary greatly.

I encourage you to listen to the full conversation on our podcast and reflect on your own health journey. Remember, understanding your body's specific needs is a crucial step towards optimal health and well-being.

Stay informed and take control of your health. Join me in this ongoing exploration, and let's unravel the complexities of our bodies together. Your health journey is as unique as you are!

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Thanks for listening! Have a healthy and blessed week!

