The Christian Nutritionist

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37: Don't Bargain Shop Your Body

Happy Thanksgiving week ya’ll! It’s that time of year… Let’s talk about shopping! Black Friday and Cyber Monday can make us all a little cray cray. This episode serves to acknowledge what it means to be a good steward and guide you towards deciphering what is worth it to you to put into and onto your body. Learn how to distinguish between settling for bargain vs. making the choices that are going to serve you in your most positive expression.

EPISODE 37: Don’t Bargain Shop Your Body

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(0:00) Intro

(0:44) Welcome back to the club!

  • As we move into the Thanksgiving week, I want to talk about…. Shopping!

  • Black Friday / Cyber Monday

    • It makes us all a little crazy in our heads 😜

(2:20) Today’s topic: Don’t Bargain Shop Your Body!

  • Bargain shopping is in my blood, bones, and DNA:

    • I’m a sucker for a sale

    • Before you know it, the house is cluttered with good deals.

(3:29) Learning to be a better steward:

  • In regards to my finances and my space.

  • Bringing our attention to being good stewards.

  • Consumerism at Christmas time is OOC (out of control).

(5:31) I was letting my style be ruled by price tags and sales…

  • Bargain price was the baseline choice.

  • I can’t tell you how many good deals I have in my closet that I seldom wear.

  • You’re not doing your body any favors by settling for clothes that do not fit well for your body.

    • Learn about your body type and how to enhance your features:

    • Ask a friend about your body shape.

      • What do you think are my strengths in my figure?

      • Google is your best friend 😂

(13:14) I still love a good bargain, but….

  • I do not let a bargain be the driving force in my purchase.

  • Now, I have to also love it.

    • I ask myself…. Would I pay full price for this?

    • Applying the Feast 2 Fast® “Heck Yeah” principle.

      • Defining what is worth it to you.

(15:07) Clothes criteria:

  • Knowing what cuts and colors work well for you.

 (16:34) Story of the magical jeans:

  • I’ve worn the heck out of these jeans!

  • Moral of the story: They were totally worth the full price.

  • Buying 3 or 4 pair of “okay” jeans vs. Buying the high-quality single pair of jeans.

  • 2019 Healthy Holiday Gift Guide

(20:23) Capsule wardrobe experiment:

 (23:55) Being mindful during the Holiday season:

  • Learning not to bargain shop my body or my home!

  • Bargain food / free food:

    • Eating unconsciously

    • Creates more difficulty in turning it around come January

  • Holiday round of Feast 2 Fast®

    • Listing out what’s worth it to you.

    • Cheap and free food are not going to serve your body.

    • Have SOME of the things, just not ALL of the things. ❤️

 (28:53) Being the best steward of what you have:

  • Don’t let your style and food choices be dictated by bargains.

  • “Blurses”

    • Being mindful and discerning

    • Take a deep breath

    • Be good stewards

 (31:36) Closing thoughts:

  • 2019 Healthy Holiday Gift Guide

    • Comment in the blog comments to enter the giveaway!

    • Drawing is on December 8th

  • Let me know that I am not the only recovering bargain shopper out there! :)

  (33:03) Outro & Disclaimer

Thanks for listening! Have a healthy and blessed week!

