256: Best of Season 5: Part 2


This week’s episode is a compilation of the best tips, information and inspiration from Season 5 of The Christian Health Club Podcast. It's jam-packed with great insight . Come listen!


256: Best of Season 5: Part 2



Hello, my friend! Welcome back to The Club. How are you today? We’re wrapping up this podcast season with Part 2 of the best tips, information, and inspiration from Season 5. This will be the last episode for a few months while I take my summer break. I will miss you, but my mind is already whirling about topics and guests for next season.

If you’re not already on my Sunday Sendout list, make sure to join so I can at least keep in touch with you this summer. I have lots to talk about, including sending my son off to college, some fun trips, and turning 50 in September! If you want to stay even more connected, come join The CHC. We’re about to start The Genesis Prescription, focusing on taking care of our bodies as holy temples and honoring the Lord every day through it.

235: Daily Routines with Carly Stagg

We kicked off 2024 with Carly Stagg, talking about our daily routines and the products and supplements we use. Many of our CHPs were curious about how we structure our day. Carly shared her routine of starting her day leisurely but productively, ensuring she’s ready to help her clients by mid-morning.

236: The Benefits of Eating Daily Bread

In this episode, I discussed incorporating bread made from freshly milled wheat flour into my diet. The nutritional benefits are immense, and it’s been a stabilizing addition to our diet. Many listeners shared their transformative experiences with this bread, noting improvements in their digestive health.

237: Coffee, Fasting, and Idolatry with Cristal Dubois

Cristal Dubois joined us to talk about her journey with fasting and how it shifted from a spiritual practice to a wellness strategy. This episode was a deep dive into the motivations behind our health practices and how to keep them aligned with our faith.

238: Reconsidering Fasting and Meal Timing

Inspired by previous discussions on fasting, this episode explored why it might be best for some people to break their fast closer to sunrise. It emphasized the importance of discerning what our bodies need individually and adjusting our practices accordingly.

239: Meal Timing in the Bible

We dug into historical and biblical references to meal timing, discovering that ancient Hebrews typically ate two meals a day, with the first meal around mid-morning to noon. This episode was a fascinating look at how meal timing has evolved and its implications for our health today.

240: God’s Good Gift of Sex with Francie Winslow

Francie Winslow joined us to discuss the beauty and importance of sex within marriage from a biblical perspective. She emphasized that sex is not just a man's need but a mutual gift for both partners, reflecting the integrated design of God.

241: The Salt of the Earth with Darryl Bosshardt

Darryl Bosshardt, from Redmond’s Real Salt, explained the critical role of salt in our bodies and why it’s essential for health. Despite the negative connotations salt has had, it’s crucial for maintaining balance and preventing conditions like hyponatremia.

242: The Benefits of Raw Milk

We explored the numerous benefits of raw milk with the guys from Raw Milk and Deadlifts. They highlighted the rich enzyme content and nutritional profile of raw milk, making it a superior choice compared to pasteurized milk.

243: What I Would Do If with Carly Stagg

Carly and I discussed various health scenarios and what we would do in each situation. This episode provided practical advice on handling common health issues like headaches, allergies, and the use of antibiotics.

244: Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis with Nicole Bergeland

Nicole Bergeland explained how Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) can reveal underlying mineral imbalances. This non-invasive test can guide dietary and supplemental adjustments to improve overall health.

245: Starting Your Sun Protocol

This episode emphasized the importance of building up our solar callus or sun tolerance. We discussed how getting proper sunlight exposure can support adrenal health and overall well-being.

246: Was the Biblical Diet High Carb?

We examined whether the biblical diet was high in carbohydrates and discussed the modern prometabolic diet. The key takeaway was understanding the balance between carbs and fats to maintain optimal energy levels.

247: The Living Water Inside of You

I delved into the concept of structured water and its critical role in our bodies. This episode highlighted how our bodies produce structured water through metabolism and its importance for overall health.

248: How to Overcome Headaches and Migraines with Dr. Meg Mill

Dr. Meg Mill shared insights into the various triggers for migraines and headaches, including food sensitivities and hormonal imbalances. She provided practical tips for identifying and managing these triggers.

249: Designed to Heal with Dr. Ben Rall

Dr. Ben Rall passionately discussed the flaws in our current healthcare system and emphasized the importance of viewing our bodies as divinely created. This episode was a call to action for embracing a holistic approach to health.

250: Understanding Cholesterol with Dr. Jack Wolfson

Dr. Jack Wolfson debunked common myths about cholesterol and highlighted the dangers of statin drugs. He stressed the importance of understanding cholesterol's role in the body and making informed health decisions.

251: The Importance of Essential Amino Acids with Dr. David Minkoff

Dr. David Minkoff explained the critical role of essential amino acids in our diet. He shared his experiences as a former vegetarian and the significant health improvements he experienced by incorporating high-quality animal protein.

252: How Light Affects Weight and Hormones with Roudy Nassif

Roudy Nassif discussed the importance of proper light exposure and the limitations of cheap blue light blocking glasses. He emphasized the need for quality blue blockers to protect our eyes and health.

253: Women of the Bible Speak with Shannon Bream

Shannon Bream shared how she prioritizes her health despite a busy schedule. Her non-negotiables include daily time in the Word and staying grounded through prayer and journaling.

254: Healing Frequencies of the Bible with Steve Rees

Steve Rees explored the connection between sound frequencies and biblical texts. He discussed the healing properties of specific frequencies and how they can help us realign our bodies with their natural state of ease.

And that’s a wrap, y’all! We’ve covered the highlights of all the episodes for Season 5. I hope you’ve enjoyed them, and I encourage you to share them and leave a review. Your feedback helps bump up the podcast ratings and spread the good news of how God created our bodies to be well.

I will miss connecting with you here, but I’ll still be emailing you with all the scoop this summer, so make sure you’re on my Sunday Sendout list. And of course, I’d love to interact with you daily in The Christian Health Club if you’d like to consider joining us as a member.

Be well, my friends. Don’t let your health or your relationship with Jesus fall through the cracks this summer, okay?

Thank you so much for listening. Have a healthy and blessed week, and I will talk to you soon.

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Thanks for listening! Have a healthy and blessed week!

