The Capsule Wardrobe Experiment: Final Edit
I did it! I finished The Capsule Wardrobe Experiment!
I have to admit- I’m ready for a change!
There are some things I’m definitely keeping IN…they’re just too core to let go. Other things can’t get out the door fast enough. But here’s what’s so liberating: I can say adios to the non-keeper clothes without guilt or second-guessing or worry that I will ever want them back. I won’t.
Here’s what I discovered: I’ve had so many clothes in my closet for so many years that none of them got enough wear for me to feel “done” with them. Or, perhaps, to feel “done” enough without feeling guilty.
But now, I’ve stared at these same clothes for almost three months and worn them to death. Like, literally some have holes in them. In the past I would have shoved those back in my closet. Don’t ask me why. Why does anybody keep holey, dingy, worn-out garments?
The clothes that I didn’t wear to pieces, I actually really never wore…and that speaks volumes too. I only wore the orange sleeveless dress once during the experiment and that’s how it’s been for the many years I’ve owned it. I’ve typically worn it once (maybe twice) in the fall season and that’s it. It’s cute, but not a “Heck Yeah” for me.
Here are a few more lessons I learned from my experiment…
My Capsule Wardrobe
Here’s another thing I realized: pretty much everything I’ve received and kept from Stitch Fix has not turned out to be Capsule worthy. The truth is, I loved anticipating and receiving a monthly package of clothes more than I loved the actual clothes. I’ve liked some of the stuff they’ve sent but realized most of it is nothing that would catch my eye in a store. Quite often it came down to not wanting to lose my $20 styling fee and so I kept the clothes even though I didn’t really love them. No more Stitch Fix for me.
Zara Sparkle Jeans
I’m on the fence about the sparkle jeans from Zara. They’re so cute from the front but not so cute from the back. (remember, I’m now more aware of my backside in jeans…thank you, Husband) and I don’t think those are doing me any favors.
The stripe jeans I got from Zara are definitely unflattering. Truth be told I didn’t really love them (a very undiscerning purchase) but forced myself to wear them to reinforce the principles of this experiment. Every time I put them on I thought, Dangit. Why’d I buy these?It was a constant reminder to make better choices in the future.
Two pair of jeans I’m definitely keeping IN are my hello! SkinnyJeans which I’ve had for around eight years and the KUT from the Kloth jeans which actually provoked a super cute lady at Walmart to approach me in the tuna section and ask me for the brand. These are probably my most flattering backside jeans because of the pockets and stitching. They give my flat butt a little oomph. Husband approved.
LESSON #3: I don’t really need a WHITE BUTTON-DOWN
I was hellbent on keeping a white button-down shirt in the Capsule because it’s a white button down shirt. I mean, it’s a classic. Evvvvvvverybody needs a white button down shirt, right? That’s what Oprah said about 10 years ago and specifically recommend the Brooks Brothers shirt because it doesn’t require dry cleaning or ironing. And that, my friends, is right up my alley. Because I don’t iron. Ever. Even still, I’ve rarely worn it during the years it’s been hanging in my closet and yet I’ve always thought I “needed” it. I guess I don’t.
The last weeks of the experiment were kind of hard. Well, not hard. Being a soldier is hard. Fighting a disease is hard. Losing a loved one is hard. Wearing the same clothes and not buying any for 3 months is not hard. (perspective). But they were mentally challenging weeks right here at the end. I found myself gravitating toward my workout clothes for variety. I wanted to dip into my winter wear box a little early. But I made it. I did it and I did it well. I’ve been wanting to accomplish this discipline for five years and I finally achieved the goal. I 100% promise that I wouldn’t have stuck it out had I not shared it with you. The accountability kept me motivated and committed and so I thank you for letting me share and for you encouraging me through this process.
Would I do it again? Yeah, I totally would. And probably will in the New Year. Will you do it with me? Pretty please? I know by January I’ll be so “over” stuff that I’ll be more than ready to go into simplicity and non-spending mode.
If you think you may want to join me (please?! It’ll be fun!) add your name to the list HERE and I’ll send you more information in the coming weeks.
Two things I’d like you to tell me in the comments:
Would you prefer a 30 or 60 experiment in the New Year?
What is YOUR favorite pair of jeans? (let’s compare notes!)