The Christian Nutritionist

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50: Dialing in Decrease

As we move into the season of Lent, consider living out this verse from John 3:30: 
"He must increase, but I must decrease." 
The more we decrease the overload of stuff that fills our lives, the more room we make for Jesus. If you’re feeling the pull toward more simplicity and minimalism in your life, tune in to this week’s episode for how to do that and honor God in the process. It’s time to lighten your load in Spirit, Mind and Body!

EPISODE 50: Dialing in Decrease

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(0:00) Intro

(0:44) Welcome back to the club!

  • We are on the brink of the season of Lent.

  • John 3:30 - He must increase, but I must decrease.

    • Season of lent is about making more room for Jesus.

    • Decreasing food, clutter, spending, and excess STUFF!

(3:55) Dialing back all the excess:

  • Treadmill of thoughts

  • Food issues and health problems

    • Finding out way to optimal health and food peace.

    • Increasing Him into our lives.

  • Feast 2 Fast

(8:35) The reasons we make a sacrifice for lent:

(13:35) Decreasing clutter:

  • Cluttered space = cluttered mind

  • Spring cleaning biblical roots

  • Onset of light brings renewal and energy

(17:38) Additional areas with potential to decrease:

  • Spending:

    • If it’s not a Heck Ya! It’s a heck no

  • Schedule:

    • Rest, spend time with God, and your family.

    • We are not in a good place when we are rundown and overloaded.

  • Consumption:

    • Social media, TV, etc

    • Podcasts, audiobooks, coaching calls

    • Leaving room for God’s input

(24:35) Signs from God

(25:50) Ways to increase Jesus in our lives during the season of Lent:

  • Scripture and prayer

  • Meditation

  • Episode 47: Increasing Oxytocin Flow

    • 5-5-5 System

  • Going to church

  • Bible study

  • Journaling

  • Nature walks

  • Essential oils

  • Netflix:

    • The Case for Christ

    • A.D. The Bible Continues

  • New habits or random acts of kindness

  • Do what resonates with YOU!

  • What can you decrease so that He can increase?

(36:00) Sign up here for our lent round of Feast 2 Fast®!

(36:45) Outro & Disclaimer

Thanks for listening! Have a healthy and blessed week!

