The Christian Nutritionist

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51: Waiting Well with Jessica Hottle

Healing can be hard ya’ll. So, what does it mean to ‘wait well’? Jessica Hottle joins us on today’s episode where we discuss the importance of planting the seed in Spirit, Mind, and Body, and how being patient is critical for the flower to take bloom. Tune in to discover the importance of understanding who we think God to be and what it means to challenge your thoughts and limiting beliefs in order to open the door to access healing.

EPISODE 51: Waiting Well with Jessica Hottle

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(0:00) Intro

(0:44) Welcome back to the club!

  • Health problems are often years in the making.

    • How can be frustrating to not see the results right away.

    • Healing can be hard ya’ll!

(2:28) Introducing special guest, Jessica Hottle:

(4:20) How Jessica came to be doing her work:

  • Jessica’s back-story and health journey.

    • Former workaholic and workout-aholic

      • Symptoms causing more symptoms

      • Our bodies are for us, they WANT to heal us

  • How Jessica came to know the Lord.

    • God’s word has the final say.

    • Being kind to ourselves through the layers of healing.

(12:54) ) A seed can only reproduce after its own kind:

  • What we focus on we get.

    • Fear brings more fear, symptoms bring more symptoms.

(13:55) Why we tend to self-sabotage:

  • The relation of sabotage to our level of self-worth.

  • Limiting beliefs

  • Are you opening your heart and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide you?

(17:32) Health is a full Spirit, Mind, and Body package:

  • Everywhere you go, there you are.

  • Addressing the mindset

(19:54) What is “waiting well” ?

  • Do you want to be made well?

  • What it means to challenge the thought.

  • God is working through you, as the enemy tries to work against you.

  • How patience matures us.

(25:25) How do we own our worth by ‘waiting well’?

  • How our soul is the gateway.

  • The importance of understanding who we think God to be.

    • If love never fails…

    • Our words and thoughts are energy that we bring into the world.

(32:12) Planting the seed and being patient for the flower:

  • Why we are always harder on ourselves.

  • Client Transformation

  • Don’t uproot the seeds!

    • Commitment

    • Supernatural process

  • Asking questions allow us to stay curious:

    • What are you believing God for?

    • Where is your point of faith?

(43:45) Do you want to be made well?

  • Can you envision yourself well?

  • How body problems can overtake the mind.

  • Spirit, Soul, and Body connection.

  • Taking our health into our own hands.

    • Gut feelings

    • Becoming our own health advocate

(49:42) Time of lent & waiting well:

  • Jesus fasting in the dessert for 40 days.

  • Where we lack patience, the devil persists.

(52:40) Jessica’s Anchor Questions ⚓️

  • Never worry in a year of drought.

  • Where you can find Jessica:

(57:15) Outro & Disclaimer

Thanks for listening! Have a healthy and blessed week!

