70: UnMasking Health Truths with Erin Kerry

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We’re being told to wear masks, but are we being told to eat real food? To move our bodies? To drink plenty of water? To get some sunshine? To be personal advocates for our own wellness? To me, it’s like the big elephant in the room.

The Covid virus should be opening more discussion and lighting fires under our butts about taking better care of ourselves. Slapping on a mask may be the “least” you can do - but why do you want to settle for the least? You’re made for more than that. You have SO much power and provision when it comes to your health. Masks are short-game; let’s talk the long-game of health that makes you strong and resilient.

In this week’s podcast, Integrative Health Coach Erin Kerry is joining me to unmask some real truths about personal wellness. We discuss five key areas to consider when it comes to managing your health. Listen in and then get busy showing up for yourself and your wellness.


EPISODE 70: UnMasking Health Truths with Erin Kerry



(0:00) Intro

(0:44) Welcome back to the club!

  • I’ve invited Erin Kerry from Sparking Wholeness back on the podcast with me today!

    • You may remember she was a few months ago and we talked about overcoming and addressing mental conditions with a holistic, full spirit, mind, body approach.

    • Erin has used nutrition and healthy lifestyle changes to manage her PTSD and bipolar conditions and she is a passionate advocate for helping others to do the same.

    • Erin is an integrative nutrition health coach AND a Feast 2 Fast® Coach. She’s a  preacher’s kid, a preacher’s wife and mom to her 3 kids Isabel, Roman, and Rhett.

(2:25) The reason I wanted to have Erin on today:

  • She posted something that has been on my mind throughout this whole COVID virus situation - to me it’s like the big elephant in the room…

    • WHY aren’t people talking about personal health responsibility.

    • WHY are we - as usual - talking about the bandaids instead of the root causes.

  • As an advocate for whole body healing, I really hoped this virus situation would open up new discussions on how to take care of our personal health.

  • We are NOT a healthy country. This should be opening our eyes, but it’s not.

  • The U.S. spends the most on health care compared to other developed countries BUT has lower life expectancy, highest infant mortality, highest suicide rates, and highest rates of chronic disease.

    • Bandaids don’t fix bullet holes.

    • We are all responsible for our individual health.

    • We’re masking the real issue. Yes, pun intended. 😷

(8:23) Here are some of her favorite tips for taking personal responsibility for your health:

(9:18) #1. Deal with your past hurts, trauma, and manage your stress.

  • Those things are inflammatory and will show up in your body and weaken your immune system. There are so many ways to do this.

  • Our body responds to our thoughts.

    • Emotions are energy in motion, which creates chemical responses.

    • Our bodies can’t differentiate between a real or imagined stressor.

    • Be still and know:

      • Renewing the mind and taking captive our thoughts

      • Vagus nerve stimulation - singing, chanting, praying

      • Deep breathing

  • Stress, anxiety, and fear are inflammatory. The more you dwell on this virus, the worse it is for your entire body.

(16:13) #2. Get some sun and some movement:

  • Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, ya’ll remember this from school?

    • A large portion of our mitochondrial energy comes from the SUN, but few of us make it outside on a regular basis.

    • Our mitochondria decrease as we age, but are needed to adequately respond to life stressors, so a little movement and good sun (bonus if you get both at once) go a long way to boost your cellular energy

    • Immune cells cannot function without healthy mitochondria.

      • Cold showers, alternating warm/cold showers.

  • We all need sunlight to be healthy, we are living organisms!

  • Science is always backing up what the Bible has always said.

(22:27) #3. Stick to nutrient dense, whole foods as much as you can.

  • Eat what your body digests best (what is closest to nature).

    • Check food labels for vegetable and seed oils that increase inflammation.

      • Impactful on a cellular level.

      • Healthy fats: Avocado, butter, ghee, olive oil, avocado oil.

    • Stop fearing fat and increase quality protein and organic, non genetically modified items.

    • We can’t outsmart God by eating diet food and plant-based meat.

  • There is no one-size-fits-all to eating. There is bio-individuality even when it comes to real food.

  • When you optimize your health, you HAVE TO optimize your digestion.

    • Connects directly back to stress.

(30:39) #4. Listen to your gut:

  • Your gut needs plenty of time to digest and clean out.

  • Your gut has its own brain and neurons that communicate with your actual brain.

  • Toxic thoughts (see #1) create toxic digestion which doesn’t help the immune system.

    • Toxic digestion, in return, doesn’t really help your brain much either. Eating in a 12-hour window is a good way to help your gut do what it needs to do.

    • Your immune system depends on healthy balance of gut bacteria. Coincidentally, numbers 1, 2, and 3 also benefit your gut bacteria. (Are you starting to see how this is all connected?)

  • In stress, we reach for comfort, but the best thing we can do for ourselves is be our own health advocate.

  • Fasting is great for your digestive system and detoxification.

(36:17) #5. Supplementing:

  • Vitamin C is step one to creating an optimal immune system. Vitamin C kills viruses.

  • Due to many Americans being undernourished, some medical professionals suggest there may be a rise in scurvy soon.

  • Many doctors treating Covid patients are seeing low vitamin D levels in those getting hit hardest. We just don’t get the nutrients we need from our food. While a quality multivitamin made with bioavailable sources of vitamins will work for most, some people may need more targeted supplementation of vitamins D and C.

  • Fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, K

  • Zinc:

(43:39) Closing thoughts and reminders:

  • Everyone is different, everyone has to find what works best for them.

  • What food makes you feel awesome and helps your immune system?

  • The needs of your body will never change

    • Your body is always going to need water, real food, sunshine, movement, rest, and fellowship.

(48:04) Anchor Questions!

  • Anchor meal:

    • Upgraded comfort food basics :)

  • Anchor verse:

    • Psalm 91:5-6

(53:26) Outro & Disclaimer

Thanks for listening! Have a healthy and blessed week!




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