73: Back to School, Back to Health, Back to God

Ep 73.png

The state of our world has driven lots of us to seek comfort in food and drink. We’ve let more sugar, flour, alcohol creep into our daily routines and, even though we know it feels yucky, it’s hard to stop!

Things remain uncertain as we move into this back-to-school season, but what IS certain is that we don’t show up as our best selves when we’re bloated from sugar, dragging from poor sleep, foggy from wine and anxious from lack of exercise. We think more negatively, we’re moodier with our families and we’re less patient with our neighbors. That serves no one. 

It’s time to clean things up - in our spirits, in our minds, and in our bodies. 

In this week’s podcast, I’m sharing back-to-school inspiration and practical food and supplement tips. We can’t control what’s happening in the world, but we can control what’s happening in our homes and in our bodies. We can seek comfort in the Lord and in bodies that show up strong and ready-to-serve.


EPISODE 73: Back to School, Back to Health, Back to God



(0:00) Intro

  • Welcome back to the club!

  • Taking a moment to remember that God is in control. We cannot control our external circumstances.

  • It’s time for us to tighten it back up ya’ll!

  • Here’s one big decision I’ve made:

    • I am not taking on any new clients for a while. I need to make space for my family and whatever this “semester” is going to look like. 

    • I’m going to focus my attention on F2F, which I feel like is the most impactful thing I do and I’d want any new client to go through it first to understand the way to eat for life

    • That doesn’t mean I’m not going to work with 1:1 clients ever again - I am still working with my current clients and once things get back to a semblance of normal - which I pray that it does - then I’ll open my schedule back up to new clients. In the meantime  if you need 1:1 help you can get on my waitlist or I will refer you to another NTP. 

  • Getting the rest of the family onboard with healthy lifestyle changes:

    • The best you can do is to BE the model, BE the example, BE the excellent vessel that carries herself in health and wellness.

    • I love this Bible verse:

      • But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified. 1 Cor 9:27

    • They’ve got to see you walk the true walk instead of talk the empty talk. It’s the same walk as who we are as Christians. 

  • Sign up for our next round of Feast 2 Fast®!

(9:34) Back to Health:

  • Pulling it back together!

(11:15) Food Ideas:


  • Get the kids to eat eggs 4 days a week

    • Scrambled eggs, omelettes, egg in a hole, sheet-pan eggs, breakfast tacos, hard boiled eggs, egg muffins or my new favorite Starbucks sous vide egg bites that i make in the IP. I kind of rotate those options every week with some sides - bacon, sausage, fruit, Brazi Bites (brazilian cheese bread), zucchini bread, GF toast, muffins 

  • And then fill in the other few days with things like

    • Avocado Chocolate pudding, oatmeal with collagen powder, granola, coconut milk yogurt 


  • Protein first!

    • Lunch meat - Applegate or leftover hamburger patties or steak, hot dogs, tuna, sardines, leftovers, soup 

    • Veggie and/or fruit  - peppers, carrots and cucumbers

    • Guacamole packs, cheese sticks 

    • Chips  - Upgraded. Look at the oils!


  • Most often chocolate because they all like it, I can buy high quality chocolate with  minimal ingredients and also it’s less carby than cookies. I put those in too, but generally I’m putting in a handful of Enjoy Life chocolate chips, or some Trader Joe peppermint patties.

  • Chocolate Pudding

Balancing Carbs:

  • The kids get a sandwich on Fridays - my daughter would eat a PBJ every single day if I let her, but I want her and all of them to get that variety and know that they don’t always have to have the bread.

Snacks for the kids:

  • They love trail mix.

    • We need to get back to making it because it’s hard to find clean options and you can make it yourself so much more economically.

    • We usually do almond, pecans or cashews and chocolate chips - we are chocoholics over here and some dried fruit.

  • They might have a bowl of granola, a rice cake with nut butter or they love Justin’s hazelnut butter (a cleaner version of nutella), cheese sticks, GF pretzels, popcorn like Smart pop in the bags or they might do a organic/nonGMO microwave popcorn.

  • Z bars 😅they are burned out on Lara bars, and don’t love Rx bars.

  • My kids drink water, Live soda, lemonade or herbal tea. And sometimes I let Beau drink coffee - decaf. He loves the taste of it. 


  • Tacos - I have taco salad / Fish tacos

  • Spaghetti squash casserole

  • Roasts with potatoes, onions and carrots 

  • Hamburgers, steaks, grilled chicken with sides 

  • Soups  (great way to hide veggies)

  • Stir fry 

  • Salmon or shrimp with rice and a veggie 

  • Egg roll in a bowl

  • Pizza on Fridays 

    • We get into a rhythm Taco Tuesday, Pizza Friday, hamburgers on the weekends and then we make enough for leftovers for lunches  - those are our norms and then we fill in with these other usuals and maybe some new recipes here and there.

  • The beauty is y’all  - i can eat all of that in Feast 2 Fast.

    • If we’re doing our sugar detox week  - which is Week 1 and it’s Taco Tuesday  - I’m eating a taco salad no shell  - I actually prefer that anyway

    • Or making portobello mushroom pizza - where I use the mushroom cap as my base and pile on pesto and goat cheese and all kinds of yummy.

    • If we’re eating burgers - i’m skipping the bun.

  • It’s just easy, and doable and family friendly  - you can make 1 meal for the whole family and make a little tweak so you’re Feast 2 Fasting and your family is getting some healthy food too. 

  • A lot of the time we’re eating meat or fish, a starchy side and a veggie - it’s traditional, it’s uncomplicated, it’s macronutrient friendly and the better the quality, the healthier it is. 

  • French Kids Eat Everything

(35:03) Supplements:

  • Alternating days of liver pills and fish oil.

  • I’m using liver sort of like a multivitamin, even though it’s not a full-spectrum multi, but liver pills are essentially dehydrated liver ground and put into capsules, so it’s like a one-source, food source of nutrition which makes it very bioavailable, meaning the body can utilize the nutrients well. Liver is  full of amino acids, Vitamin A, good source  B vitamins, especially B12,  it’s got some zinc and a little Vitamin C

  • Liver is a superfood and my goal is to incorporate it more into our diet, I mean, I’ve got a good source of it but we sell out of it a lot. I’m going to have to hold some back for us to eat because people buy it all up - which is great! I’ve even thought about trying to make my own liver pills - I have a dehydrator and the capsules. I guess I would  need some sort of grinder.

    • Now, we wouldn’t eat liver every day, I don’t even think you should eat liver every day, it’s pretty high in Vitamin A, so I’m not going to supplement with it every day.

    • Ideally you’d eat liver up to 3 times a week, but that ain’t happening over here but I can supplement like we are and get the benefit.

  • And just like we’re not eating liver every day, we’re not eating fish every day, nor do I think you have to eat fish every day and even if you are, are you eating the ones full of Omega-3s? Probably not. Those would be like sardines, anchovies, mackerel and salmon. Wild-caught cod has a little.

  • Vitamin C is a good one right now  - there are several I like  -  the Buffered C from Integrative Therapeutics, the powder from Designs for Health, the C from Innate Response -

  • These are all professional brands that you can find on Fullscript - if you are a client, F2F’er or on my Sunday Sendout list then you have access to ordering through my Fullscript account which has tons of professional brands at discounted prices. 

  • Some good store brands would be MegaFood or Garden of Life Raw C.

  • Probiotics:

    • I love Just Thrive and Megaspore and I’ll change it up with a few others here and there too.

  • Liquid minerals:

    • I’m experimenting with a formula from CellCore (use code: CAYDJR57) which is not on Fullscript but you could also use the brand Trace Minerals which is on Fullscript and you can also find in stores.. I think the CellCore doesn’t taste as bad. 

    • Magnesium at night.

(46:57) Putting God first:

  • Seeking wisdom 

  • Anchor verse:

    • She opens her mouth in wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. Prov 31:26

    • When we seek wisdom and wellness for our bodies - patience, love and kindness flow from us so much more naturally. Give your body what it needs and it will give YOU what you need: plenty of energy, good moods, restorative rest, clear thinking, a stable appetite. When we feel well, we serve well. The way we treat our bodies determine how we show up for our people. Never forget that self-care is not a luxury, but a necessity. Fill your cup so that you may pour blessing into the world.

  • Last week’s Podcast with Dr. Ben Edwards

  • August 17th we start Feast 2 Fast®— Enrollment is open!

(50:50) Outro & Disclaimer

Thanks for listening! Have a healthy and blessed week!




Wednesday Word: Pauses


Wednesday Word: Delight in Rich Food