84: How Pam Lost 50 Pounds

Ep 84.png

In this week’s podcast my client, Pam, is not only sharing how she lost 50 pounds but also how eating differently changed her relationship. Her marriage was struggling because she didn’t feel good and she didn’t feel good in her body. She was moody and lashed out often, she didn’t want to participate in family activities and her frustration with herself carried over into the daily interaction with her husband. Changing her food literally changed her life. 


EPISODE 84: How Pam Lost 50 Pounds



(0:00) Intro

  • Welcome back to the club!

  • One of my clients recently checked in with me - gave me an update and shared that she was doing well and lost 50 lbs! 

    • Pam is like many of us - she’s a mom, she runs a business, she’s super busy and she’d been putting herself  on the back burner.

    • When we first talked she wasn’t happy with the way she felt, the way she looked or her health in general. She was ready to make a change and so she reached out and we started working together. 

    • I asked Pam if she’d come on today to share her story and her progress with us. And she was so so gracious to agree. Welcome Pam to the Christian Health Club podcast!

(2:48) Can you give us  a little more insight about what was going on with you health-wise when we first talked?

  • Pam talks about her experience with indigestion, heartburn, mood swings, depression.

  • Factors involving family, marriage, and business.

  • Pam discovered Chelsea through a friend and reached out to work together.

(5:50) What had you tried so far and what was your experience with it Why wasn’t it sticking?

  • Tried everything to lose weight: lose some weight, then everything falls apart.

  • Counting calories

  • Hormone injections

  • Self-sabotage, plateaus, keto, weight watchers.

  • Felt discouraged

(7:17) What were the biggest obstacles for you?

  • Busy, erratic schedule

  • All over the place with food and times eat - sometimes morning, sometimes not until lunch or dinner.

  • Husband own BBQ restaurant

(9:55) You told me,  “I know how to eat healthy - just have to do it - need motivation and time to do it” - what finally made you do it?

  • Hitting a wall that affected Pam’s marriage.

  • Prioritizing health contributed to inviting Pam’s marriage to flourish.

  • Stomach issues, not feeling well.

  • Sugar addition / Blood sugar regulation

(13:45) I had you start Feast 2 Fast and we added in some digestive support because you were having some digestive issues correct?

  • Pam shares her previous experience with digestive issues

    • IBS

(17:02) Now once  you got into everything - doing Feast 2 Fast and taking the digestive support you had some bumps along the way. Do  you remember some of what was going on?

  • A few days of detox

  • Period started a week early

  • Had a lot of pregnancy symptoms  (nausea, a lot of belching since taking supplements, ringing in ears,  heightened smell sensors)

(21:31) But you also had some good stuff going on too! Tell us what positive changes you were seeing.

  • Feel full and satisfied

  • Happy with food she was eating

  • Fruit started tasting sweeter

  • Digestive issues became less frequent/severe: less diarrhea, very impressed with way digestive system is working

  • Less irritable 

(27:02) What kind of things were you eating, are you eating? I remember when  we got to the point that you could add grains back in, you said it wasn’t worth it. Has that changed? Have you incorporated many?

  • Lifestyle change

    • Lack of desire to eat in the old way

    • Adjusting to a fluctuating busy schedule without compromising positive changes.

  • Speaking to showing up as the best version of yourself in the world

    • Eating properly and taking care of yourself translates directly into how your feel and your interactions with others.

(33:44) You held off on adding Heck yeahs for a while. I think you were on such a roll you maybe didn’t rock the boat? But you finally did and how did you find that? 

  • Discovery process:

    • Pam takes us on the journey of exploring what is worth it to bring back in.

    • Being discerning: Do I really want this? Is it worth my carb load?

    • Portions sizes and moderation

    • Upgrading ingredients

(39:50) Tell us more about your weight loss journey and how that process was for you.

  • Weight loss was relatively steady along the way for Pam.

(42:14) How about your family - what was the family dynamic like as you were doing this?

  • Cooking more, less eating out and ordering in.

  • Quality control

  • Determination to change

  • Sharing the responsibility of cooking and prepping

(48:55) How about fasting? What were your initial thoughts about doing it and what was that like for you along the way?

  • Working fasting into your schedule in a way that works for you.

  • Bio individuality

(50:27) What about exercise? You weren’t regularly doing exercise and you didn’t add it in for a while, we just focused on the food part. You did add in some walking  - where are  you with exercise?

  • Setting and crushing walking goals.

  • Incorporating strength training.

(53:15) Is there anything else you want to add or advice you think would be helpful?

  • Don’t wait to change your life!

  • If you feel better, you’re going to serve better— then, things snowball in a good way (:

(54:33) Anchor Questions! ⚓️

Join us and sign up for Feast 2 Fast® this November!

(58:06) Outro & Disclaimer

Thanks for listening! Have a healthy and blessed week!




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