94: Shiny Diet Syndrome

Ep 94.png

Have you ever been in the middle of eating all the “bad” things, feeling disgusting in your body, shaming yourself in your mind as you’re stuffing your face with food, but, as you’re doing it, you’re thinking about the new diet you swear you’re about to start and you get a high, euphoric feeling about how skinny and fabulous you’re going to be?

The binge almost feels justified in the moment because the “righteousness” of the upcoming diet kind of cancels out what you’re doing. But by the time D-Day (diet day) rolls around, whatever magic plan you were dreaming of as you were stuffing your face doesn’t turn out to be so magic after all and, before you know it, you’re right back in the same situation - overeating, swearing it off, and dreaming of your NEW magical shiny diet - the one that’s really going to work this time.

This has happened to me plenty of times and it wasn’t until I understood the concept of dopamine that I realized how we can get “addicted” to the high of planning new diets.

The problem is, this can lead to “shiny diet syndrome” where we hop from one diet to another but never hit our stride with what works. 

Before you consider the next diet you’re going to do, listen to this week’s podcast. You’ve got to retrain your squirrel brain if you want to find your long-term health success.


EPISODE 94: Shiny Diet Syndrome



(0:00) Intro

  • Today we are talking about seeing the light of the bigger picture and not the bright shiny object right before you. It is so so tempting to go for the shiny short-term fix, but add up all of the years and money and pounds those shiny objects have cost you and it loses its luster real quick.

(5:00) Dopamine

(10:59) Rebecca:

(13:41) Pam:

  • How Pam Lost 50 Pounds

    • Feeling good in her body and about her body completely changed how she showed up in her energy, in mood and reignited her relationship with her husband.

    • Not only has she now lost 60 lbs but she also got her husband on Feast 2 Fast and HE has lost weight and feels better too.

    • I love how Pam regrouped and went back to what works. We are not going to eat perfectly every day for the rest of our lives. There will be periods that we slide off the tracks. 

(18:52) Consistency is key:

  • As long as you are being consistent most of the time, your body can handle some down periods.

  • Your body can handle some sugar and other less-than-healthy foods some of the time, as long as it’s getting what it needs most of the time. 

  • I know that these trendy diets and shakes and pills are so alluring - so shiny -  but my questions to you always are…

    • Can you do this for the long haul?  Is it sustainable? Is it something you can make a lifestyle? 

. (22:22) Training your body long-term

(26:33) Closing Thoghts

  • Of course I would love you to join Feast 2 Fast because I think it’s a really doable and effective way of eating, I mean there are lots of testimonials to that, it’s how I live my eating life, but honestly, I just want you to find something that works for you as a lifestyle.

  • There is nothing shinier than the person who shows up in her life being everything God created her to be. Choose a way of eating that does that for you - ok my friend? 

  • Joining Feast 2 Fast®:

    • Next round begins January 4, 2021

    • Go here to sign up!

(28:23) Outro & Disclaimer


Thanks for listening! Have a healthy and blessed week!




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