95: Time Management (plus my latest sign from God)

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I don’t know about you, but the other thing I am inspired to do in the New Year, aside from kicking off health goals, is fill in my new planner. I have a whole new time management strategy this year based on a framework I learned from a life coach plus the inspiration of a book called Stewarding Life. I’m talking all about it in this week’s podcast.

If we’re not intentional about the way we use our time, we’ll stay on the treadmill of life as it flies past us. We want to be creators of the life we want to live, not bystanders watching it pass us by!


EPISODE 95: Time Management (plus my latest sign from God)



(0:00) Intro

  • Happy New Year!

    • We are in Feast 2 Fast - it’s Sugar Detox week, it feels so good

  • We’re all inspired in our health goals at the start of a New Year but I think another thing we feel a renewed sense of getting under control is our time management.

(3:49) Scheduling our time:

  • I finally decided to get my own personal life coach!

  • It IS worthy of your time to sit down and think about time.

    • The bulk of my “to-do list” swirls around in my mind, which creates ongoing negotiating and decision fatigue.

  • Why I resist committing to specific time frames for doing my work

    • I want to do things when I feel inspired to do it.

      • Buffering

      • Procrastibusy

  • Self-care vs. Self-Stewardship

    • Stewarding Life

    • Involving God in the process of your time management

    • Self Coaching Christians - Brook Castillo

      • Monday Hour One

(10:42) Stewarding Life:

  • Stewarding Life: One Lifetime, Limited Resources, Eternal Priorities

    • God didn’t design us to have cookie cutter lives. He has given every Christian a big-picture mission to glorify Him by making salvation known, but He gives each of us individual ways to fulfill that purpose. We must consider these purposes as priorities. God has given each of us a unique set of desires, aptitudes and gifts to creatively fulfill our purpose. What God has called you to do can only be done by you, and it can only be done in one lifetime. Numbered days demand focused lives.

    • Satan will do all he can to destroy your time on earth. If he can’t destroy it by sinful living, he will devour you by eating up your time with activities of no eternal value.

  • You’ve got to involve God in your process.

    • Who better to ask about your purpose and how to use your time?

(14:14) My Latest Sign from God:

  • Level III: Nutritional Blood Chemistry

  • Don’t Bargain Shop Your Body

  • It’s been awhile since I asked God for a sign…

    • Please give me a clear sign on whether or not I should take this class.

    • Specifying the sign puts me in the posture of expectation.

  • As Christians we have the privilege of communication with Him.

(26:55) Monday Hour One:

  • You will be more efficient if you take the time to plan out your time.

  • Monday Hour One Podcast Episode

    • Step 1: Write our your to-do list.

    • Step 2: Transfer it to the calendar.

      • Self-Stewardship appointments 1st.

(30:36) Importance of Stewardship:

  • Scheduling margin time:

    • We want to selflessly give to others but we are failing to depend on God by ignoring His built-in cycles of rest and renewal. If we give without being replenished, we will eventually be empty.

  • We should up better when we make time with God, get rest, and treat our bodies well.

  • When we ask God to guide us in our purpose, in our usage of time we are trusting that what needs to get done will get done

    • The only way to discern what really matters most and to be a wise steward of our time is to spend time at the feet of Jesus.

  • Learning to not prioritize productivity over worship.

  • Walking, workouts, and yoga.

  • Bible Study.

  • Time with kids and family.

    • Are you investing in eternity by investing in people - loving your spouse, spending time with your children/grandchildren, your parents, encouraging godly friends, ministering to others?

    • Relationships are our most valuable possessions, and they are worthy of our focused investment.

  • The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

(40:08) Back to Monday Hour One:

  • Knowing how long to allot for certain tasks.

    • Brooke suggests, when your scheduled time is up, move on to your next thing.

      • Creating the evidence that you are sticking to your word.

  • Schedule the result you want.

(45:00) Closing Thoughts:

  • Less one-on-one, more shepherding the herd.

  • The Lord is in charge, let’s lean into high hope this year.

(47:33) Outro & Disclaimer


Thanks for listening! Have a healthy and blessed week!




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