99: Ancient Remedies with Dr. Josh Axe

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CBD oil for anxiety? Chasteberry for PMS? Stinging Nettle for allergies?

In this week’s podcast I had the opportunity to interview Dr. Josh Axe about his new book, Ancient Remedies. It’s an amazing resource that incorporates the very best of ancient healing traditions from around the world and is full of specific advice on how to holistically approach some of the most common health conditions that we face.

I also asked him some hot topic questions like: What do you think of ingesting essential oils? Is meat a healthy part of our diet? Is it ok to eat wheat? Do you eat pork and shellfish?

Listen is as the founder of the world’s #1 most visited natural health website weighs in on these questions and so much more!


EPISODE 99: Ancient Remedies with Dr. Josh Axe



(0:00) Intro

  • I am so pumped to have my guest on today’s show.

    • He is the founder of the world’s #1 most visited natural health website, DrAxe.com. He is the best selling author of several books, he is the co-founder  of Ancient Nutrition supplement company and appears regularly on the Dr. Oz show. 

    • Make sure to check out his new book Ancient Remedies

    • Welcome Dr. Josh Axe to the Christian Health Club podcast!

(2:49) First and foremost I do want to thank you for living your faith in your work because it opened a door in my heart to do the same. How did that come about for you? 

  • Developed a close relationship with God in college.

  • Called to love God, love people, and make an earth-like heaven.

    • Emotional root cause

(7:05) You share so many natural options in your book but what are some of your go-tos or ones you are most excited about?

  • Immunity:

    • Astragalus

    • Elderberry

    • Echinacea

    • Vitamin D, Zinc, Vitamin C

  • Hormonal issues:

    • Vitex

      • AKA chasteberry - herbal remedy for PMS related issues and can improve fertility

    • Ginseng (Men over 50)

    • Ashwagandha (Men under 50)

      • Herb can help normalize low thyroid and lower high blood sugar

    • Cinnamon

    • Ginger

    • Fenugreek - increase sexual arousal and testosterone levels

    • Black cohosh for menopause 

  • Inflammation:

    • Turmeric

    • Frankincense

    • Medicinal mushrooms (reishi)

(13:26) Traditional Chinese Medicine:

  • Dr. Axe tells the story of how he came to help his mother navigate her cancer diagnosis.

  • Asked the Lord to lead him in helping his mom in healing.

(20:25) The 5 Elements:

  • You have a quiz in the book for people to figure out their Ancient Element - fire, earth, water, wood or metal  - You have suggested foods and practices for each element.

  • First personality profile

    • Emotional tendencies

  • Spiritual healing is the most important thing we can do.

    • Grief associated with the lungs.

  • 7-day eating plan in the book according to the person’s element.

  • Tongue Mapping and Face Mapping

(29:55) The Forbidden Herb:

  • CBD healing properties

  • Compounds of Cannabis

  • How would you recommend supplementing with CBD?

  • Stress

(38:08) What is your take on ingesting essential oils?

(42:56) What do you think about including wheat and soy in the diet?

  • The most gentle grains that people are going to be able to tolerate are rice, oats, and quinoa.

  • Dr. Axe discusses the difference between soy products.

  • Uses for flax seed / flax oil

  • Estrogen dominance

(45:57) Genesis 1:29 & Genesis 9:3 … What are your thoughts?

  • Meat is necessary for a lot of people, and many people are in need of B vitamins

  • Personalized nutrition

  • 95% of people with do better with some sort of animal protein in the diet.

(52:24) Do you eat pork and shellfish?

  • Don’t fret friends, have you heard of beef bacon?

(55:15) Anchor Questions

  • Anchor meal:

    • Base: 1 cup coconut milk, 1 cup berries, 1 scoop collagen protein

  • Anchor verse:

    • Romans 12:1 & 2

  • Book comes out Feb 2nd!

(102:50) How you can find Dr. Axe

(104:01) Outro & Disclaimer


Thanks for listening! Have a healthy and blessed week!




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