The Christian Health Club Podcast


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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

60: Body Weight Set Point and Busting Through Metabolic Plateaus

Picture your body weight set point like a thermostat. Your body gets comfortable at a certain number and works to keep you there by turning on and off hormones to keep it stable. This is great when you’re at your healthiest weight, but what if your set point, your “temperature setting,” has crept up to a place that is no longer comfortable for you? How do you get your thermostat to blow the right hormonal “air” for a better target weight?
Check out this week’s podcast as we talk about the concepts and strategies that can shift your set point and bust through metabolic plateaus!

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

Wednesday Word: The Highest Health Goal

Word Up, friends! Exciting news! Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week! ✨

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

59: The Purpose of the Body

You are a precious vessel that carries out Kingdom work in this world! Your body is not about a calorie range, a scale number or a clothing size. It is about being the hands and feet of Jesus in this world. THAT is the purpose of the body. Taking care of your body is holy business. Because when you feel well, you serve well. And that makes the world a better place.
Listen in for more holy knowledge bombs about your body as a precious vessel of the Lord

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

Wednesday Word: The Harmony of Creation

Word Up, friends! Exciting news! Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week! ✨

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

58: The Liver Bucket: How and Why to do a Detox

God made our bodies to be detox machines but things can get backlogged when we overburden our livers with food chemicals, alcohol, OTC and prescription medications, toxic cleaning products and our everyday skin care routine.
It can be helpful to do focused cleanse a few times a year to boost detoxification and better overall liver health. This week’s podcast is all about liver detoxing. Tune in to hear why we’re temporarily cutting animal proteins, supporting bile flow, jumping up and down, changing face creams, drinking special teas and taking cold showers.

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

57: Salty and Lit

We need light, we need salt and we need Jesus. He calls us to be salt and light in this world - to shake His flavor and show His flame. When we absorb His rays and marinate in His flavor through the Word, we show up as Functional Christians - being the hands of feet of Jesus in the world.
In this week’s episode we are meshing Functional Nutrition with Functional Christianity for a look at how to live out our calling to be salty and lit. 

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

Wednesday Word: The Miracle That Walks Beside You

Word Up, friends! Exciting news! Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week! ✨

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

Wednesday Word: Master of the House

Word Up, friends! Exciting news! Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week! ✨

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

56: Surviving Mental Illness with Erin Kerry

Struggling with anxiety? PTSD? Depression? Bipolar disorder? Listen in to this week’s interview with Erin Kerry, nutrition health coach and mental illness survivor, who shares how she overcame a debilitating diagnosis using a holistic Spirit, Mind, Body approach. She’s a preacher’s daughter, preacher’s wife and homeschooling mom of 3 who shares her struggle and solution to help other women overcome mental health issues.

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

Wednesday Word: Taste and See

Word Up, friends! Exciting news! Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week! ✨

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

55: Crisis Eating

The big secret to overcoming emotional eating is to FEEL the feels, not eat the feels. We have to learn to sit in discomfort without trying to avoid it, buffer it or smother it with food.
Using food only delays the discomfort momentarily, but ultimately ends up making things worse. In this week’s podcast we’re talking about tips and strategies to overcome emotional eating, especially during this unsettled time in our world. Taking our thoughts captive, fasting, monitoring carbs, using accountability and leaning into the Lord are all ways that help. Listen in to get a grip on crisis eating!

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

Wednesday Word: Don't Take Your Eyes off Jesus

Word Up, friends! Exciting news! Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week! ✨

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

54: Hormone Testing

I recently tested my hormones. This is a collection of salivary samples I sent in to the lab (you want saliva or urine testing - not a blood test). I was surprised to find that I am low in estrogen but high in progesterone and testosterone! I’ve put myself on a balancing protocol because, even though I’m considered peri-menopausal, I’m into hormones without drama. 💃💪

I’m so happy that I can now offer hormone testing to you! I’m sharing all about it in this week’s podcast episode. Tune in to hear more about how hormonal testing can help get to the root cause of your weight gain, sleep issues, painful cycles, hot flashes, urinary problems or low libido.

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

Wednesday Word: Leaky Cup

Word Up, friends! Exciting news! Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week! ✨

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

53: Obedience Over Hustle

Chapter six of Obedience over Hustle made me cry. It’s about the mommy hustle. Raise your hand if you keep telling your kids “in a little bit” or “later” or “mommy doesn’t have time right now” when they ask you to do something? Raise your hand if you’re often scrolling while they talk to you. The author calls this “gaze aversion.” What does it imply when we look at our screens instead of their eyes? This entire book opened MY eyes to how I’m hustlin’ in business, in health, in social media, in the neighborhood and how it’s clouding the priorities God has for me. Listen in to this week’s podcast as we cover some major spot on takeaways from Obedience over Hustle by Malinda Fuller.

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

Wednesday Word: A Grown-Up Plan

Word Up, friends! Exciting news! Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week! ✨

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

52: Best of Podcast Tips and Inspiration

🎶Hey Shawty it’s my birthday - my podcast birthday that is! I can’t believe a whole year of podcasting has gone by. Bless all of you sweet sweet listeners. To celebrate I’m giving away daily prizes to my podcasters reviewers! Leave a review in ITunes any day this week, or all days this week, for your name to be put in a hat. If I draw it, I’m mailing you a fun blessing prize.  
In this week’s episode I’m taking all the best tips and inspiration from the year and power-packing them into one place. Listen in for the best of Spirit, Mind and Body!

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

Wednesday Word: Applied Action

Word Up, friends! Exciting news! Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week! ✨

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