The Christian Health Club Podcast


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Podcast Archives

Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

51: Waiting Well with Jessica Hottle

Healing can be hard ya’ll. So, what does it mean to ‘wait well’? Jessica Hottle joins us on today’s episode where we discuss the importance of planting the seed in Spirit, Mind, and Body, and how being patient is critical for the flower to take bloom. Tune in to discover the importance of understanding who we think God to be and what it means to challenge your thoughts and limiting beliefs in order to open the door to access healing.

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

Wednesday Word: Expect Temptation

Word Up, friends! Exciting news! Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week! ✨

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

50: Dialing in Decrease

As we move into the season of Lent, consider living out this verse from John 3:30: 
"He must increase, but I must decrease." 
The more we decrease the overload of stuff that fills our lives, the more room we make for Jesus. If you’re feeling the pull toward more simplicity and minimalism in your life, tune in to this week’s episode for how to do that and honor God in the process. It’s time to lighten your load in Spirit, Mind and Body!

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

Wednesday Word: Dig Your Ditch

Word Up, friends! Exciting news! Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week!

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

49: Insider Secrets to Eating Grains and Legumes

Want to know why I choose white rice over brown? Why I’m not a fan of quinoa? And why a French lady made me think twice about eating corn? 
In this week’s podcast I’m sharing insider scoop about grains and legumes and how to maximize their benefit and minimize their problems. You may be unknowingly consuming something you think is healthy, but that is slowly creating long-term health issues. A few easy brand switches and cooking hacks can make a huge difference for your body. Listen in to get the scoop.

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

Wednesday Word: Diets and Denominations

Word Up, friends! Exciting news! Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week!

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

48: Eat, Fast, Feast with Jay W. Richards

I had the pleasure of interviewing NYT best-selling author Jay W. Richards about his brand new book Eat Fast Feast for this week’s podcast. It’s everything I love and preach about the benefits of feasting and fasting for metabolic flexibility. 
In this episode Jay shares how he went from eating every few hours to fasting for days at time. He lays out his six week plan for increasing fasting ability. He explains our history and calling to fast as Christians. This episode will motivate and strengthen your spiritual conviction to incorporate fasting and feasting for Spirit, Mind and Body health.

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

Wednesday Word: Act to Activate Your Blessings

Word Up, friends! Exciting news! Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week!

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

47: Increasing Oxytocin Flow

Did you know that getting together with your girlfriends is good for your health? It increases oxytocin flow which helps to counteract stress hormones. In this week’s podcast I’m sharing ways to stimulate MORE oxytocin in your body - including spending time with friends. 👯Don’t let too much time pass without a dose of your people. It’s good medicine!

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

Wednesday Word: The Way You See Yourself

Word Up, friends! Exciting news! Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week!

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

46: The Secret to Syncing Your Cortisol

Listen up ya’ll, this week we are taking a deep dive into all aspects of syncing your cortisol. So many factors including light, stress, sleep, and diet play a role in whether or not our cortisol is released at the appropriate time. Tune in to discover the best ways to set your circadian rhythm and how doing so will significantly upgrade your quality of health.

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

Wednesday Word: The Great I AM Inside of You

Word Up, friends! Exciting news! Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week!

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

45: Faith and Fitness with Revelation Wellness founder Alisa Keeton

Where fitness meets faith, we’ll find the founder of Revelation Wellness Alisa Keeton. Join us in this week’s episode as we discuss the integration of your faith and discovering who YOU are. Learn what it means to have attunement for your life, how fitness is a tool for the Holy Spirit, and how to incorporate more God and better health on a daily basis.

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

Wednesday Word: The Way You Think Is The Way You Will Be

Word Up, friends! Exciting news! Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week!

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

44: My Clean Routine

I get a lot of questions about the products I use- from toothpaste to lotion to laundry detergent. In this week’s podcast episode, I'm taking you through everything I use- from the first supplement of the morning, until I crawl into my organic cotton sheets at night.

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

43: The Best That Can Happen

The imagination is a powerful tool. God has given us the opportunity, ability and free will to use our minds in the most extraordinary way. Humans are the only creatures with the capacity to think beyond what is right in front of them.

Are you envisioning the worst or the best for yourself? Are you full of fear and worry or hope and belief?  Choose to imagine the future you want, not the future you don’t because here’s the thing - it tends to go the way you imagine it.

Listen in to this episode to learn how to connect with your God-given imagination and work with Him to create your best life.

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

42: How Many Meals A Day?

One of the most common questions I get while we’re doing Feast 2 Fast® is, “How many meals should I be eating?” The short answer is this: If you’re not hungry for another meal - don’t eat it! Tune in to learn how hunger signaling can get out of whack and what you can do to tap into stored energy for fuel. The more you observe and make connections between what you eat and how your body responds, the better you get a nailing down what works for you!

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

41: Your Body Must Believe You

As Christians, belief is everything to us in this season. This podcast episode explores an angle of belief in the importance of YOUR BODY believing YOU. Learn how to stop the pattern of yo-yo dieting once and for all and how to come up with a basic plan that you can sustain for the long-term. Give your body the gift of grace and consistency that it has been yearning for!

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