257: Redox Before You Detox
Redox Potential is the measure of how easily you gain or lose electrons. The better you gain and hold onto electrons, the better your body can naturally rid itself of toxic and pathogenic material. This is a key to detoxification that nobody pays enough attention to. God made our bodies strong, resilient and capable of handling these offenses when we have plenty of cellular voltage. Parasites hate a negative charge! They don’t survive well in a high electron environment.
The problem is most people are doing things that destroy their redox potential which means they destroy their detox potential. They are more vulnerable to parasitic, bacterial and viral infections and being hit hard by toxins. They need more detox support because their natural systems are overburdened and sluggish.
In this week’s episode, we’re diving into all of the details of how to increase your Redox Potential so that your body can better do what God created it to do.
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257: Redox Before You Detox
00:00 Introduction and Summer Recap
03:23 The Narrow 30 and Detox Your Temple Month
06:13 Redox Before You Detox
09:35 Understanding Redox Potential
14:51 The Role of Electrons and Free Radicals
19:16 The Importance of Redox Potential for Health
23:31 Electron Stealers and Redox Drainage
28:47 Building Redox Potential through Grounding, Sunlight, and Movement
31:41 Identifying Electron Stealers: Toxins, Artificial Blue Light, and Wi-Fi Radiation
39:04 Prioritizing Health to Support Redox Potential and Reduce Toxic Exposure
Resources and Programs
Check out my Post Cruise Detox Blog
Join the Cellcore Guided Detox Group
Join the Sunday Sendout List
Join the The Christian Health Club
Registration open: The School of Christian Health and Nutrition
Thanks for listening! Have a healthy and blessed week!