258: Humics, Fulvics & Carbon Technology with Dorothy Dick


This week’s episode is all about the enormous health and healing benefits of humic and fulvic acids. These compounds are created when beneficial microbes decompose old plant material and turn it into very nutrient-rich dirt. They are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Those are the same three elements that make up about 96% of the body. Considering we’re made from dirt and they’re made from dirt, seems like a good match, right? 

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Genesis 2:7 

This week’s guest is here to explain the key to unlocking the potential of these amazing compounds that offer vitamins, minerals, amino acids and electrons and help your body move toxins out of the system.
Dorothy Dick is a health and life coach who personally and professionally discovered the healing benefits of this powerful carbon technology. Her steadfast faith in God’s plan and refusal to let her diagnosis become her destiny have resulted in far exceeding her doctor’s prediction of life in a wheelchair. Come listen as she shares so much wisdom and passion in this week’s episode


258: Humics, Fulvics & Carbon Technology with Dorothy Dick



00:00Introduction and Divine Connection

03:03Dorothy's Health Journey and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

(07:52) Discovering Cellcore and Mold Toxicity

(12:38) The Power of Cellcore's Carbon Technology

(23:23) pH and Efficient Nutrient Delivery

(26:07) Protecting and Delivering Nutrients with Cellcore's Carbon Technology

(29:09) Simplifying Protocols with Cellcore's Carbon Technology

(31:15) Long-Term Use of Cellcore's Binders

(33:07) The Role of Binders in Detoxification

(39:08) The Power of Mindset in Healing

(44:48) Surrendering to God's Plan for Healing

(50:27) Taking a Holistic Approach to Health

(52:43) Conclusion

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Thanks for listening! Have a healthy and blessed week!




259: Middle Age Weight Gain


257: Redox Before You Detox