35: Diet Denomination

Ep 35 Cover.png

On today’s episode I am discussing the topic of denominations within the Christian church and the parallel with modern day diet labels. Tune in to learn about the connection between faith and food, and discover the importance of checking in with God about denomination and with your body about diet.


EPISODE 35: Diet Denomination



(0:00) Intro

(0:44) Introducing today’s topic: Denominations

  • Denominations within the Christian Church

  • Varieties of diets

  • Denominations: we have different interpretations and styles of worship.

  • Jesus called all of us to do two things:

  1. Love God with all of our heart

  2. Love our neighbors as ourselves

(2:30) The connection to of faith to food:

  • Genesis 1:29 - Eat plants

  • Genesis 9:3 - Eat meat

  • Old testament / New testament

(4:28) Mark 17:18-19

  • “Are you so dull?”

  • It’s not the food that makes someone unclean.

  • Jesus wanted us to focus on our mind and our heart.

  • Modern food rules.

(5:58) Plant vs. animal foods:

  • God gave us BOTH!

    • Historically, nature was the grocery store

    • Getting perspective

(7:07) We need real food the way God made it!

  • SAD - Standard American Diet

  • Why your food label may not always jive with what your body needs.

  • Nutritional Therapy

  • Food extremes are not meant to be the mainstream.

    • Food identity / Food roles

 (11:02) My denomination back-story:

  • We’re all Christians here!

(13:15) Check in with body about diet, and with God about denomination:

  • Symptoms and signs are the way your body talks to you.

  • Doing what is best for your body.

  • Show grace and understanding for others.

    • Mind your own plate.

(17:00) Exchange between God and Peter:

  • What God has made clean, do not call common.

  • Jesus is for everybody.

  • Romans 14:17

  • Let’s not find our identity in diet or denomination

    • Our identity is in Christ.

(21:17) Outro & Disclaimer

Thanks for listening! Have a healthy and blessed week!




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