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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

Wednesday Word: Esau was Hangry

Word Up, friends! Exciting news! Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week! ✨

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

149: Discipline, Restriction and Disordered Eating with Carly Stagg, RN, FNTP

Carly’s story starts out like many of ours do when we set a health goal– eliminating unhealthy foods and exercising regularly. But what began as a pursuit of health quickly unraveled into disordered eating and a constant compulsion to exercise. She restricted her food, she worked out incessantly and she panicked in social settings that interfered with her food and exercise plans.

In this week’s podcast episode, my friend and colleague Carly bravely shares her story in hopes of shedding some light on the spectrum of disordered eating to eating disorders.

Now, on the other side of it, she’s also researched the fascinating connection of dysregulated hunger hormones and neurotransmitters associated with these conditions.

There are lots of signs and behaviors we need to be aware of for ourselves, our friends, and our daughters. Listen in for important information on this sensitive topic.

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

Wednesday Word: The Eye of the Beholder

Word Up, friends! Exciting news! Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week! ✨

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

148: Covid Prep Pack

I didn’t do anything to artificially lower my fever when I recently had Covid. Unless a fever gets dangerously high, it’s best to let it do its thing. Fever is our body’s natural immune response to help kill infection. Even though fever is inconvenient and doesn’t feel great, it serves a purpose. Our perception is that it’s something we “get” as a result of being sick instead of looking at it as a tool our body uses to help us get well.

Hippocrates, the father of medicine, said, “Give me a fever, and I can cure any disease.”

In her book Gut and Physiology syndrome, Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride says,

“Fever is good for us. It is a major tool our immune system uses for killing disease-causing microbes, destroying toxins and removing cancer cells. If you have a fever for a few days and do not interfere with it, you clean your body, remove chronic infections, prevent cancer formation and rejuvenate yourself. During fever your immune system re-sets itself, re-balances its various branches, re-groups and becomes more effective at dealing with the environment. It is particularly vital to allow fever to run in our babies and small children. Children are born with immature immune systems, which require education. The first fever your child develops is a major educational experience for the child’s immune system. If the fever is not allowed to run, the child’s immune system has missed an important lesson. Instead, it has received a wrong lesson, which may lay the ground for allergies and autoimmunity in the future.”
In this week’s podcast episode, I’m talking about this and other approaches I took when I recently got Covid. Come listen!

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

Wednesday Word: Top 10 Health Tips

Word Up, friends! Exciting news! Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week! ✨

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

147: Medical Field Lies with Amanda Wilcox, RN

In this week’s episode I’m interviewing Amanda Wilcox, aka:The Uncensored Nurse. She left conventional medicine after witnessing it fail herself, her family, her friends and her patients. She started making connections after both her daughter and her best friend’s son suffered reactions from their immunization shots.

Amanda personally continues to battle hormonal issues after spending years on birth control.

She wants to know why doctors take out things like tonsils - lymphatic glands that play a role in immune function - without considering root cause issues.

She exposes information like how J.D. Rockefeller influenced the death of holistic medicine in America in favor of big pharma.

You never know what kind of information she’s going to share but it’s always fascinating! Come listen to this week’s episode where we open all kinds of cans of worms. 😂

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

Wednesday Word: Shiny Diet Syndrome

Word Up, friends! Exciting news! Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week! ✨

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

146: Why Low Carb Works So Well

You may have heard that a low carb diet is effective for health and weight loss but do you know why? In this episode, we’re talking about the top three reasons a low carb diet works so well and how many grams to target to stay in the low carb range.

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

Wednesday Word: Seasonal Beauty

Word Up, friends! Exciting news! Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week! ✨

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

145: The B- Approach to Health and Weight Loss

Many people are very black or white, on or off, A or F when it comes to their health goals. If they don’t do it perfectly, they consider it a failure and often give up. But when your kid comes home with B (or even less), do you say: You might as well stop trying and get an F? And you might as well make it the F of all F’s? Let’s see how low you can go!

Of course we don’t. And, yet, it’s what we do with our health goals.

Well, I wasn’t an A today, I didn’t do it perfectly, so forget it, where’s the ice cream and the chips and the vodka?

We take our B- straight to the toilet and flush all of our efforts and previous good work down the tubes because we didn’t do it perfectly. One of the hardest things we have to learn is grace for being imperfect without allowing ourselves to pity party into deeper failure. Do you know how much weight you could lose and health you could gain with B- work? A lot my friend. You can accomplish much more in your consistent imperfection than in your sporadic perfection.

That’s what we’re talking about in this week’s podcast episode. Come listen to more about

the B- Approach health and weight loss.

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

Wednesday Word: Every Perfect Gift

Word Up, friends! Exciting news! Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week! ✨

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

144: The Ember Days Winter Solstice Detox

When I learned that early Christians observed a three day spiritual practice near the beginning of each solar cycle, called Ember Days, that involved abstaining from meat and focusing on prayer and thanksgiving, I realized this would be a wonderful template to revive and utilize as a quarterly health and spiritual tune-up.

At the beginning of each new season in The Christian Health Club, we do a 3-day detox that removes all meat, fish, eggs, dairy, nuts/seeds, grains, sugar and alcohol. We eat vegetables, fruit and plant fats like avocados, olives and coconut. As much as I praise animal sourced foods as a critical part of the diet, I recognize that periodically cycling them out is a healthy practice for the body. It gives the digestive system a break and it allows for deeper cleansing of the cells.
In this week’s podcast we’re talking about how observing the Ember Days and Winter Solstice adds richness to the season of Advent by honoring how our Creator made the earth, the sun, our food, our bodies and how He gave us eternal light by the birth, death and resurrection of His Son. Come listen to this timely episode and put it into practice!

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

Wednesday Word: Lot’s Wife

Word Up, friends! Exciting news! Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week! ✨

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

143: The Gaps Diet with River Yeo, RN, CGP

Most of us automatically think of a plant-based diet when it comes to the healthiest nutritional approach. But, when you start looking into some of the most effective nutritional therapies for gut health, animal based foods are often the focus.

In this week’s podcast we are discussing a nutritional therapy approach called The GAPS Diet which relies heavily on animal sourced foods for gut and brain health. Come listen and learn more about it to see if it might be a right choice for you!

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

Wednesday Word: Packages

Word Up, friends! Exciting news! Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week! ✨

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

142: Eat Like the French with Tania Teschke

Ever notice how The French have traditionally eaten lots of butter, cheese, cream, meat and wine and, yet, stay slim and healthy? In this week’s podcast I’m talking with Tania Teschke, chef and author of the award winning book The Bordeaux Kitchen, about the “French Paradox” and embracing this healthy approach to food and lifestyle. Enjoying lots of farm fats, seasonal produce, fresh herbs, pastured meats, offal, cheese and local wine is key to the traditional ways of the French that boost health and longevity. Come listen, learn and be inspired to eat like the French!

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

Wednesday Word: Abundance in All Circumstances

Word Up, friends! Exciting news! Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week! ✨

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

141: It All Comes Down to Your Mitochondria

All of the parts of your body need energy to do their work. Whether it’s your brain, your heart, your adrenals, your gut, your liver, your eyes, your skin, your kidneys or any other part of your body - the cells must generate enough power so they can function. That’s the job of the mitochondria.

Some parts of the body, like the brain and the eyes, have more mitochondria per cell because they are more metabolically demanding. In fact, age-related conditions like Alzheimer's and macular degeneration are related to poor mitochondrial function. The aging process in general is a decline of mitochondrial health.

Many medical approaches overlook the fact that the organ can’t work unless the mitochondria work. Instead of supporting mitochondrial function, drugs like statins, antibiotics, acid blockers and metformin are prescribed - which further degrade mitochondrial function.

In this week’s podcast we’re talking about ways to supercharge your mitochondria so that all of the parts of your body have the energy to do their job. This is how we slow the aging process and optimize health. Come listen and learn!

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