27: Do You Need a Functional Medicine Doctor?

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Happy Sunday, friends! On this week’s episode Carly Stagg, BSN, RN, NTP joins us to discuss the differences between Alternative & Conventional medicine and shares her experience blending the two as a Functional Medicine nurse and nutritionist. Tune in to discover why Functional Medicine takes a more holistic approach, getting the root of your health challenges rather than focusing on symptom management.


EPISODE 27: Do You Need a Functional Medicine Doctor?



(0:00) Intro

(0:44) Hello friends, welcome back to the club! Introducing today’s topic: Do You Need a Functional Medicine Doctor?

  • Chelsea’s experience with fertility:

  • Chelsea sought out a local naturopathic doctor:

    • “Other worldly experience”

    • Started with nutrition: Removed gluten, added supplementation, filled out a nutritional questionnaire, assessed where there was a lack in vitamins and minerals.

    • 6 weeks later, Chelsea was pregnant!

    • One of the most impactful experiences.

    • Functional medicine is gaining traction where conventional medicine is not working. 

(5:35) Introducing today’s guest Carly Stagg to unpack today’s topic: Do You Need a Functional Medicine Doctor?

  • Carly is The Christian Nutritionist’s operations manager, registered nurse, training to become a nurse practitioner, and works as a nutritionist in a functional medicine practice.

    • She is trained both conventionally and functionally.

(6:57) Carly dives into the back story of her experience with both conventional and functional medicine

  • Carly was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 12

  • Conventionally medicine saved her life initially

  • In later years, conventional medicine began to fall short for what she needed.

  • Visits were devoid of solutions and compassion, leaving her feeling pessimistic about conventional medicine and healthcare.

  • She became inspired to change the conventional paradigm.

  • Trained to be an NTP through the Nutritional Therapy Association.

  • Went to nursing school to become an RN

  • Understanding the root cause of disease 

(12:20) What is Functional Medicine?

  • Carly breaks down the terminology

  • Functional Medicine is root cause centered medicine that built on the knowledge that the body has the innate ability to heal itself when given the chance, and the proper resources to do so.

  • Disease is the body trying to handle the circumstances it’s been given. Your body is 100% on your side, we just need to give it the tools it needs.

  • The Institute for Functional Medicine.

  • Why symptoms are like branches of a tree.

  • What’s affecting the roots?

(16:30) Conventional vs. Functional Medicine:

  • Conventional medicine focuses on the symptoms.

  • Functional Medicine is looking at the whole picture.

  • Specialists are trained into disease, they are not trained into optimizing health.

(19:06) Further explanation of the terminology:

  • Functional Medicine and Integrative are the closest related (almost interchangeable)

  • Alternative Medicine: Completely dismisses conventional medicine. Does not integrate the tools from both tool boxes.

  • Naturopathic Medicine: A Naturopathic Doctor (N.D.) is a licensed degree just like a medical doctor. It is essentially holistic primary care.

(23:09) Regulations and laws:

  • Laws vary from state to state.

  • So many people just need basic education of nutrition.

  • Limitations to the scope of practice

(25:19) Carly’s current experience working in a Functional Medicine office:

  • A true healing environment: Treating patients like people, not like objects or disease.

  • People need and crave love and care in order to heal.

    • The contrast with the lack of empathy in conventional medicine.

    • The #1 thing we are missing in healthcare is love.

  • Less is more approach.

    • What are the gaps in diet, lifestyle, supplement, and exercise?

    • Get the roots healthy by covering the basics.

(30:30) When to see a Nutritionist vs. a Functional Medicine provider:

  • Depends on the individual situation.

  • The most important thing for nutritionists is knowing when to refer out.

  • When to possibly seek out a Function Medicine doctor:

    • Not seeing relief of symptoms after covering nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle basics.

    • Chronic conditions

    • Prescriptions, dosage adjustments

    • Autoimmune disease

  • Appointment and tuition cost differences.

(35:38) Advanced interventions that a Functional Medicine Doctor can provide:

  • More comprehensive lab panels

  • Supplements, adjusting medications, glutathione, IV nutrient therapy, vitamin B12 injections, hormone replacement therapy, advanced diagnostic testing.

  • What is offered will vary from one Functional Medicine Doctor to another.

  • Being mindful of unnecessary testing, cost conscious, less is more approach.

(39:04) Addressing the elephant in the room: Insurance!

  • Carly explains the “branches” of insurance

  • Hybrid model: Insurance + Membership fee.

  • Health savings accounts (HSA)

  • Please don’t let your insurance dictate your healthcare!

  • Prevention mindset: Being proactive vs. reactive.

  • When we feel well, we serve well

(47:20) Finding a Functional Medicine Doctor

(49:11) Closing Thoughts

  • Helping people from a place of love and compassion.

  • If you are not getting what you need, make a change!

  • Be your own health advocate!

  • Seek out the healthcare that is best for you.

  • Get out into the world and be the hands and feet of Jesus.

(52:06) Outro & Disclaimer

Thanks for listening! Have a healthy and blessed week!




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