29: Lessons from my Life Coach

Episode 29.png

On today’s episode I am sharing with you what I have learned in my life coaching group about the power of the cascade of thinking as it leads into action. Join me to learn what it means to be a self-coaching Christian, how to process a thought download, and how you can choose better thoughts that influence more positive actions!


EPISODE 29: Lessons from my Life Coach



(0:00) Intro

(0:50) Introducing today’s topic: Life Coaching!

  • Sharing with you major take -ways I have gotten from this life coaching group in the last 6-7 months.

  • Searching for a way to coach my clients towards better success.

  • Health is a full spirit, mind, and body package.

  • Mind is connecting spirit and body and it is a key place that needs addressing.

  • We want to be spirit led, and then our mind drives the body to action.

 (2:40) My experience as a health professional

  • Giving the clients the tools, but they do not follow through with utilizing the tools

  • Do you have the tools?

  • You know what you need to do to get the results.

 (3:39) Life Coaching Program

  • Self Coaching Scholars

  • Becoming a scholar at coaching yourself, so that you can take charge of your mind to produce the results that you want to get in your life.

  • God works his way into my brain all along the way.

  • Bible verses that have to do with the mind:

    • “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7

      • The way that you think is the way that you will be.

    •  “More than anything you guard, protect your mind, for life flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23

      • A thought leads to a feeling, a feeling leads to an action, and an action leads to a result.

  •  Recognize and be aware of the thoughts you are having, that lead to the results you are getting.

  • If you are not getting the physical results you want, you have to go back to the mind.

 (7:15) Thought Download

  • Blog post: How To Be A Self-Coaching Christian

  • Write thought download:

    • F - feeling

    • T - thought

    • A - action

    • R - result

  • Example:

    • If I say, “your weight” what is the first thought that comes into your head?

    • How do you feel when you think that?

  • We take action from our feelings.

  • Actions stemming from certain emotions can sabotage our goals.

 (11:15) What we need to know about our thoughts…

  • A lot of thoughts we think are on default mode, we don’t even realize they are happening.

  • Our brains are designed to store away thoughts that we have thought repeatedly or that people have repeatedly put into our minds.

  • Pay attention to what is stored away in your ‘thought bank’ and the actions that transpire as a result.

  • Default thoughts run our lives, and we don’t even realize it!

  • Change the thought so that you feel a little bit better about it. If you intentionally choose a better thought you are going to take more positive actions.

(17:30) Planting the word of God

  • Counteracting the constantly worldly programming.

  •  We have to be protective of our minds.

  • Plant word seeds.

  • God’s truth growing in our brains, so we can think thoughts aligned in his will and his purpose for us.

 (19:23) Self-Coaching Christians

  • As Christians, we are called in the bible to manage our minds.

  • Because we are created with free will, it is up to us to decide what kind of thoughts we are going to allow to direct our minds.

  • What it means to be a Self-Coaching Christian.

  • Putting God’s word in our minds, and manifesting it into the results we are meant to have.

  • The word becoming flesh.

  • The Christian Health Club: Join us!

    • 30 day self-improvement course and bible study.

    • Practicing FTAR

    • Sharing thought downloads

(23:20) Sharing the thought download process

  • Learn how to do it, and then perhaps introduce it to the family!

  • Provides the opportunity to open up conversation.

(25:07) Final Thoughts

  • The bible is the best self-help book there is.

  • The Holy Spirit is the ultimate life coach.

  • If you liked this episode, leave a review or share it!

  • On a mission to spread the word of health, spirit, mind, and body.

  • Seeking more God and better health.

(27:49) Outro & Disclaimer

Thanks for listening! Have a healthy and blessed week!




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