The Christian Nutritionist

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36: Think Zinc - Skin, Kids, Immune, Gut, Libido, Alcohol Detoxification

Happy Sunday! On today’s episode we are diving into all things related to the essential trace mineral zinc. Tune in to learn more about the huge role that zinc plays in skin, children’s health, the immune system, gut health, libido, and alcohol detoxification.

EPISODE 36: Think Zinc- Skin, Kids, Immune, Gut, Libido, Alcohol Detoxification

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(0:00) Intro

(0:44) Introducing today’s topic: Think Zinc!

  • Zinc deficiencies

  • Zinc self-test

  • Zinc is an important part of so many systems of the body

  • Essential trace element. It ESSENTIAL to the bod!

(2:25) Ways that the body uses zinc:

  • Keeping the structure and integrity of skin.

  • Collagen formation

  • Helps fight inflammation

  • Plays a huge part in how the body can heal wounds.

(6:10) Topical Zinc:

  • Zinc oxide

    • Protects from sun damage

    • Acts as a physical barrier against the sun

    • Better alternative to sunscreen which contains chemicals that seep into the skin.

  • Beauty Counter: Countersun Sunscreen Mist.

(7:58) Why zinc is important for your kids:

  • Plays a big role in proper growth.

  • Deficiency in zinc can delay puberty.

  • Brain development and cognitive skills.

  • Zinc deficiency can affect sensory perception in the taste and smell of food.

  • The immune system relies on zinc

(10:35) Zinc and the body systems:

  • 70%-80% immune system is in the gut.

  • Zinc helps us to make gastric juices for digestion.

    • Need enough stomach acid to break down food.

  • Leaky gut:

    • Think of the intestinal lining is like cheesecloth…

    • Leaky gut is one of the root causes of autoimmune issues, food intolerances, and food allergies.

    • Zinc is critical for enforcing this barrier

  • Paleo Mom: “Zinc deficiency is arguably the most common micronutrient deficiency in autoimmune disease.”

(15:28) Zinc and the libido:

  • Zinc plays a role in your libido.

    • Referred to as ‘the ultimate sex mineral’.

    • Critical for making testosterone.

  • Putting “band-aids” on issues that can be resolved through obtaining the micronutrients that the body needs to function properly.

  • John Kellogg and bland foods:

(19:41) Zinc and detoxifying alcohol:

  • We need healthy livers in order to detoxify.

  • Alcohol dehydrogenase:

    • Zinc dependent enzyme

    • If you’re gonna drink, think zinc.

  • Zinc and Thyroid Hormones

(23:18) Where we get our Zinc:

  • Oysters, red meat, poultry, legumes, lentils, nuts, seeds

  • Zinc is best found in it’s bioavailable form from animal sources.

  • Bioavailable means that it’s easier for the body to absorb and assimilate.

  • Zinc deficiency is more common among vegetarians and people who eat a lot of grains.

    • Phytic acid

(26:21) How do I know if I’m zinc deficient?

  • At home Zinc Taste Test

  • Why you do not want to over supplement with Zinc

    • Frenemies:

      • Zinc / Copper

      • Vitamin A / Vitamin D

(30:32) Final thoughts:

  • Real food the way god made it is the best way to get our nutrients.

  • Sometimes added supplemental support is necessary

  • Subscribe, share, and leave a review!

(32:21) Outro & Disclaimer

Thanks for listening! Have a healthy and blessed week!

