39: Fuel Food vs. Entertainment Food
What do you do if you have a constant ‘party-in-your-mouth’ situation going on? If intensely flavorful processed foods are always on the tongue, it can be difficult to appreciate the real foods that fuel our bodies. Tune in to discover how entertainment food can make our dopamine and taste receptors go out of whack, and what strategies you can implement to reset your body to enjoy a ‘party-in-your-mouth’ sensation with real food the way God made it!
EPISODE 39: Fuel Food vs. Entertainment Food
(0:00) Intro
(0:44) Welcome back my friend! How are you feeling in your body today?
(1:03) Introducing today’s topic: Fuel Food vs. Entertainment Food
Story of a family who took on a budget overhaul:
Trying to be better stewards
A look into how they were spending money on food.
Grocery bill consisted of “entertainment foods”
Creating a budget based on food as fuel vs. food as entertainment.
True fuel is real food the way God made it!
(4:33) Looking at food as FUEL vs. Entertainment
Eating for pleasure creates a constant “Party-in-the-mouth”
“Party in the Mouth” Is not going to get you the body or the health that you want.
It’s time to reign it in Yo!
Party foods train your body to want to be entertained all the time.
Taste buds / receptors go out of whack
Intensely flavorful foods
Chemically enhanced foods
Real food then, is not as exciting in comparison.
(7:12) Resetting the taste buds:
Sugar detox
Week 1 of Feast 2 Fast®
Going back to the basics!
Human tongue has 2,000 to 8,000 taste buds:
Average lifespan of taste buds is 10-14 days.
Our taste buds naturally die off and regenerate.
The body uses food as building material to generate cells.
Being discerning about what we put into our body.
We need quality fuel!
(11:46) Party in your Brain!
Neurotransmitter: Dopamine
A chemical that is released in response to reward and pleasure.
Encourages repeat behavior.
Modern-day hits of dopamine:
Outside pleasure
Historically we had fewer food choices— real foods.
Now, we have an abundance of food— laden with sugar and chemicals.
Vicious downward spiral of needing MORE.
Considering our children’s receptors.
(19:07) Emotional Eating:
Covering up icky feelings with something that feels better (in the moment).
The pleasure of emotional eating is temporary.
We are still going to have to face the feelings that we are trying to avoid.
(21:31) Remedies for “Party-in-the-mouth” and “Party-in-the-brain”
It takes a little fortitude.
Carbohydrate rehab.
Giving the body the opportunity to reset.
Allowing the body to get used to real food as the baseline.
Week 1 on Feast 2 Fast®:
Resetting taste buds, dopamine receptors, insulin receptors, etc.
Internal shifting
Results are on the other side of discomfort.
(24:58) Closing Thoughts:
Bring an awareness to Fuel Foods vs. Entertainment Foods.
Fuel food and entertainment food can come together in a gorgeous real meal!
It takes the dialing back of overstimulating foods.
Get our there and FUEL UP YOUR BODY!
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(27:49) Outro & Disclaimer
Thanks for listening! Have a healthy and blessed week!