The Christian Health Club Podcast


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Podcast Archives

Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

22: Fat Burning Training

Hello my friends! On today’s episode I am discussing metabolic flexibility, and why it does NOT take a magic potion to burn both fat and carbs efficiently! Tune in to find our why we tend to live in a perpetual carb burning mode, and how to teach the body to enter fat burning using real food, fasting, and common sense. Don’t train your body to become reliant on a program that you can’t sustain. My view is, let’s train it for the long haul!

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

21: Clear Sign from God #3

On today’s podcast episode I am discussing it means for me to be a Christian Nutritionist and how I have learned to be bold in asking for clear signs from God. Join me on this storytelling journey of how I decided to let my faith be bigger than my fear— and how I was called to continue spreading the word of ‘Real food the way God made it’ through expanding the reach of Feast 2 Fast!

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

20: Iodine Deficiency in Thyroid and Breast Cancer

On today’s podcast we are talking about the ESSENTIAL micronutrient, iodine! Join us as guest Megan Van Zyl and I go on a journey of unveiling how iodine deficiency is linked the thyroid and breast cancer. Be prepared to have your mind blown— this is an episode you won’t want to miss!

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

19: The Holy Trinity of Macronutrients

On today’s podcast we are talking about The Holy Trinity of Macronutrients – Carbs, Protein, and Fat, and why each one of them is essential to the needs of our bodies. We take a deep dive into the issues we may run into with fad extreme diets, and how a real whole food diet with balanced macronutrients can support the Holy Temple that is your body!

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

18: Why Hidden Mold is Wrecking Your Health

On today’s podcast, we’re talking about a topic that, quite frankly, kind of scares me. 😂 It’s time to talk about mold. My Operations Manager, Carly, who is also an RN & NTP, is joining us to discuss why indoor environmental toxins, especially mold, can keep us sick and giving us some of her key strategies for navigating mold illness and keeping your home healthy.

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

17: Being Spirit Led

How can you let go of the reins in your life and become more Spirit Led?

When I get up in the morning, I ask the Holy Spirit to organize my day BEFORE my mind tries to do it for me. This is a real challenge for me but something the Lord is teaching me about.

Tune into today's episode below to learn more.

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

15: Macronutrient Variation- More Carbs In Summer

Are your brain and body in "summer" mode? Listen in below as I discuss how God's design for our bodies accounts for seasonal shifts in how many carbs we eat and how active we are. You won't want to miss this episode!

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

14: Tummy Troubles- IBS with Andrea Dahlman, NTP

Gut symptoms like gas, bloating, and constipation are so common and so detrimental to our health AND our quality of life. Join me as I discuss IBS and other tummy troubles with today’s podcast guest, Andrea Dahlman, NTP.

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

13: Setting Your Carb Boundaries

A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls. -Proverbs 25:28

Setting boundaries with carbohydrates allows us to eat the fun foods we love without sacrificing our physical health or our mental peace. The endless mental chatter surrounding your diet has to stop- and setting great carb boundaries is one way to do this. Tune in to learn more about how YOU can do this.

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

12: Food Sensitivities- A Hidden Reason For Your Health Problems

I am so excited to now be offering gut health & food sensitivity testing in my nutrition practice. Food sensitivities are definitely a hot topic, and for good reason. They can be the cause of all kinds of hidden symptoms like weight gain, fatigue, and skin issues. In today’s episode, I’m chatting all things food sensitivities and food sensitivity testing! Tune in to learn more!

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

11: Brain Juice for Women with Leslie Bumpas, NTP

In this week’s podcast, I’m chatting brain health with fellow Nutritional Therapist Leslie Bumpas. From Mommy Brain to Alzheimer’s Brain, Leslie fills us in on how to stay sharp and energetic so that we can slay our day with clear and focused thinking.

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

10: Why You Need A Probiotic with Tina Anderson

🤓 Did you know that the human body is made up of more bacteria than it is human cells? And these bacteria affects your cravings, weight, mood, and more. You want bacteria in your body that work FOR you instead of against you.

💊That’s where a good-quality probiotic comes in. I invited probiotic expert, Tina Anderson, onto the podcast this week to tackle the biggest probiotic myths and give us the lowdown on this topic.

Let’s dive in!

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

09: Self Help Secrets From Women in the Bible

The Bible is the ultimate self-help book, filled with wisdom and insights from Biblical women. In today’s podcast we’re diving into some of these self-help secrets from our Biblical Soul Sisters!

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

07: Another Clear Sign From God

Listen in while I talk all things business, growing my program Feast 2 Fast, and doing it all with God at the center of my focus.

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

06: Flatter Belly, Clearer Skin, More Energy

It’s hard to embrace God’s gift of Abundant Life when we struggle with our health. It’s not only the physical symptoms that are weighing you down, it’s the constant “thought energy” you invest into it that makes it so draining. Are you ready to leave those physical symptoms behind so you can be your most beautiful, bright self?

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Chelsea Blackbird Chelsea Blackbird

04: Ancient Oils of Scripture

I love to dive in deeper into the Ancient oils mentioned throughout Scripture and their healing benefits during Lent, as it reminds me of God’s provision.

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