The Christian Health Club Podcast
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Episode 276: Jesus Take The Wheel Goals
On this week’s episode I’m walking you through the Jesus Take The Wheel Goals framework which helps you formulate your new year goals based on the different categories of health we work on in The Christian Health Club throughout the year including sunshine, water, grounding, real food and fasting, sleep/rest/sabbath, movement and mind management/stress regulation. It serves as a year-end-review and assessment of how to move forward in a way that best supports the stewardship of your bodies while keeping Jesus at the center of it all.
For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror; for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was. James 1:23-27
Sometimes we have to take a good hard look at where we’ve been so we know how to move forward in a way that better serves the person the Lord calls us to be. This episode will get your wheels turning and moving your new year goals in the right direction.
Wednesday Word: Goldmine
Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week! ✨
Episode 275: Darkness and Nighttime Hormones
Each night, the onset of darkness ushers in a cascade of hormones that help us detoxify, repair, manage metabolism, boost immunity and rejuvenate our entire system. They include hormones like melatonin, growth hormone, leptin, thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and prolactin. These hormones are time-sensitive and require true darkness to fully operate. Growth hormone, for example, is supposed to have a big surge around midnight when you are already in slow-wave sleep (which means you’d have needed to go to sleep around 10). Growth hormone plays a role in our metabolic health and if you regularly miss that surge opportunity, it can compromise the way you utilize protein, fats and carbs.
God turned the lights off for a reason and we need to too so that we can get to sleep and experience the full benefits of the way He designed our bodies to be well. Listen to this week’s episode to get fascinating insight on this aspect of circadian rhythm and how you can optimize your nighttime hormones.
Wednesday Word: A Thankful Body
Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week! ✨
Episode 274: Macros, Fasting & Exercise with Vanessa Spina
Fellow podcaster Vanessa Spina has experimented a lot with her diet and macronutrient ratios over the years. She started out as a vegetarian but felt lethargic and, at 38% body fat, knew it wasn’t working for her. From there she incorporated intermittent fasting, then implemented a ketogenic diet (and became well known as @ketogenicgirl), then found a sweet spot with a high-protein ketogenic diet. Somewhat recently, she experimented with a higher carb approach based on the recommendations of some of the experts she has interviewed, but found that higher fat works better for her as an energy source than higher carb. In this week’s episode, Vanessa shares the strategy and reasoning behind her experimentation and reminds us that it is ok and encouraged to experiment with your diet to find what works best for you, despite what the research or experts say. She also shares a lot of valuable insight she has learned from interviewing some of the top experts in the world. She is a wealth of knowledge - come listen!
Wednesday Word Rewind: Packages
Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week! ✨
Episode 273: Perimenopause, Menopause & HRT with Kristen Johnson and Maria Claps
Most women don’t realize how many body systems are affected by a loss of hormones as we move into the perimenopause and menopause years. Symptoms and signs include:
Higher cholesterol
Loss of bone density
Joint pain and frozen shoulder
Brain fog
Poor sleep
Weight gain
Loss of skin elasticity
Low libido
Hearing loss
Women are often offered a myriad of medications and supplements like statins and calcium as ways to address these various issues but are not actually addressing the root cause: hormonal decline. Although hormone replacement therapy has long been touted as dangerous, this week’s guests are here to bust that myth and share just how incredibly important HRT can be for women’s health and longevity. Their book, The Great Menopause Myth, dives deep into this topic and they are on the podcast this week sharing key points women need to know about how to be successful with hormones.
Wednesday Word: Blessed Are The Peacemakers
Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week! ✨
Episode 272: Freshly Milled Wheat and Autoimmunity with Michal Grappe
One of the questions I get often is: what do you think about eating freshly milled wheat flour if you have an autoimmune condition? Most functional health practitioners recommend removing gluten as part of an autoimmune dietary plan (that’s what I’ve always advised as well). But unless someone has Celiac, is it necessary?
I’ve been conflicted on how to advise people who have an autoimmune condition because is freshly milled flour the thing that’s going to make it worse or make it better? In Michal Grappe’s case, it made it better. In fact, it was the thing that completely erased lupus from her bloodwork. She used a long-term restrictive diet to successfully manage herGuillain-Barré syndrome, but it wasn’t helping to prevent or manage lupus. When she saw a video explaining the benefits of milling wheat, she didn’t feel like she had anything to lose by giving it a try. Nine months later, the lupus was no longer showing on her bloodwork, her husband’s arthritis had improved, her son’s warts went away and her daughter no longer had a scalp condition.
Come listen to all of the details in this week’s episode, including how much the Lord guided her along the way.
Wednesday Word: An Armed Lady
Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week! ✨
Episode 271: Breath Prayer And Biblical Meditation with Jennifer Tucker
When Jennifer Tucker’s daughter was diagnosed with an anxiety and panic disorder, she found herself facing her own struggle with anxiety. In a desperate moment in the hospital, Jenn found deep solace in breath prayer, a centuries-old practice that combines deep breathing and Scripture. This, along with another ancient approach called Lectio Divina, became tools that she used to navigate and care for her physical, mental and spiritual health. Even though she never dreamed of being an author, the Lord opened a door that led to publishing her books Breath As Prayer and Present In Prayer. In this week’s episode, Jenn shares the details of these ancient practices and how we can use them in our daily lives.
Wednesday Word: The Martini Verse
Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week! ✨
Episode 270: Food, Light and A Cancer Diagnosis with Logan Duvall
When his 5-year old son was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer, Logan Duvall dove into everything he could learn about health and nutrition. It led him in surprising directions and down deep rabbit holes which shaped the way he supported his son through his healing journey and how he and his family approach their health today. In this week’s episode, Logan shares their dietary strategy and the significant role sunlight plays in their daily life.
Wednesday Word: Temple Worthy
Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week! ✨
Episode 269: Fasting, Macros & Calories
In this week’s episode I’m answering questions about the interplay between intermittent fasting, calories and macronutrients. Should we be worried about fasting and losing muscle mass? Or fasting slowing down our metabolism? Listen in to hear important insights and strategies on how to avoid problems with your intermittent fast.
Wednesday Word: Fuel For The Light
Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week! ✨
Episode 268: Holiday Gift Idea MVPs
After 7 years of putting together my favorite Gift Idea Guides, I thought it would be fun to do an MVP list. In this week's episode, I'm sharing my tried and true favorites from the previous years plus some new ones from this year. I hope it gives you some ideas to put on your wish list or gift to someone else. 🎁❤️
Wednesday Word: New Body Mercies
Each Wednesday I’m bringing you a quick hit of Scripture Inspiration to keep you in His Word and remind you of all of the power and blessings available to you as a Christian. These mini-episodes are only a few minutes long and a wonderful way to be instantly lifted in Spirit, Mind and Body. Listen in for more love and light in your week! ✨