5 Things I’m Sending With My Son To College


My first born is headed off to college 😭. As we start preparing to move him into the dorm, there are some things beyond the standard laundry bag and towels that I want him to take. I thought I would share a few of the less conventional things on this list (cue weird mom alert. 🚨)


#1. Filtering Water Pitcher 

I want my baby to have clean water in his dorm room. Tap water, and even regularly filtered refrigerator water, have TONS of contaminants and this is one of the major sources of toxin overload. These two options are like a better Brita, targeting and removing up to 99.9% of 365+ contaminants including yucky things like chlorine, fluoride, mercury and lead. They also help remove endocrine (hormone) disruptors that are so prevalent in drinking water. My son commented that these are expensive and that his friends said they can get a water pitcher for $20. I’m glad he’s discussing water pitchers with his friends 😂but I had to explain to him those are not at all the same.

Two Favorite Water Pitchers:


#2. Defender Shield Laptop Pad

You put this under your laptop to help protect the body from non-native EMF exposure. I have one of these and use it every single day so as not to fry my lady garden with EMF radiation 😂. I am CONSTANTLY telling my boys to stop carrying their cellphones in their pocket because I’d like to have grandchildren one day - which is funny but not funny because EMF exposure affects fertility and I worry about this upcoming generation from all of these EMF effects. I sure don’t want my son using his laptop directly on his lap without protection so this helps a lot.

Get a Defender Shield HERE.


#3. Air Purifier

In the same way water is a major source of toxins, so is the air. No telling what kind of stale and potentially moldy air is in a dorm room. 😝 I bought my son the “small and mighty class” Air Doctor 2000. It helps remove airborne allergens, viruses and toxic particles.

Get an Air Doctor HERE (this is a discounted affiliate link!)


#4. Blue Light Blocking Glasses

Actually, my kids already have blue light blocking glasses from Bon Charge. I LOVE my Viva Rays but I know my kids won’t mess with exchanging the layers so I bought them a simple pair to wear in the evenings when they’re on their devices. Admittedly, they’re not always great about wearing them, especially lately. I feel like the wheels come off in the summer and we all get lax because we’re out of routine. But, with school about to start, we’ll all get back into the swing of things.

I’ll make sure to make a strategic place for my son to keep his glasses (nightstand or desk) for easy access. Also, for his lamp I’m going to take a few of the incandescent light bulbs I’ve been hoarding. Incandescent light bulbs have a better light ratio of red and infrared unlike LED lights which are mostly a straight shot of blue. Sadly, incandescent light bulbs have been banned so they are very difficult to find. You can get special light bulbs from Bon Charge that lower blue light exposure. It could get expensive to try and use these special light bulbs all over the house. Strategically, always prioritize the bedroom because that is your sleep space. In my son’s case, his little bedroom in the  dorm will be his primary living space so that is a good use of my very precious incandescent bulb stock or springing for a Bon Charge light bulb. 😊

Check out the products from Bon Charge HERE.


#5. Binder
Binders are like a magnet that help bind up toxins for easier removal from the body. Dorm food is not typically of the highest quality - there will be lots of seed oils and pesticides that his body is not used to getting. Binders, while not a magic pill that negate all ill-effects of poor food choices, can definitely help lessen the blow. Cellcore binders are hands down my favorite because they work systemically (not just in the gut like charcoal and other traditional binders). Plus, they can be taken with or without food and other supplements unlike traditional binders. My very favorite thing about Cellcore binders, however, is that they support electron flow in the body. 🤩 I love VirRadChem (which stands for viruses, radiation and chemicals) as an all-around binder. I always have a bottle on hand and will keep my son’s dorm room stocked with them too!

You can ViRadChem binder HERE. 






Post Cruise Detox