Read The Christian Nutritionist Blog

Gain knowledge and real advice from a nutritionist.  These topics will help you cut through the online clutter and develop a path for wellness the way God intended us to live.

Shopping Tips, lifestyle Chelsea Blackbird Shopping Tips, lifestyle Chelsea Blackbird

What I Took To Florida: Circadian Tools, Supplements & Sun Products

I just got back from a wonderful week in Florida. I spent the first four days in Panama City Beach on a mom/son trip with my oldest (that was his graduation present last year and we finally made it happen). He wanted to go to the beach and he wanted to swim with dolphins and so that’s what we did and it was incredible. 

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Shopping Tips, lifestyle Chelsea Blackbird Shopping Tips, lifestyle Chelsea Blackbird

2024 Holiday Gift Guide

After seven years of sharing these Holiday Gift Idea blog posts, I thought it would be fun to put together my Gift Idea MVP list. These are my favorites from the previous years and all things I still use regularly. I’m also adding some fun new favorites that I tried and loved this year.

Be sure to listen to the Gift Guide MVPs podcast to hear more details about these products and how/why I use them. Happy shopping!

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Shopping Tips, lifestyle Chelsea Blackbird Shopping Tips, lifestyle Chelsea Blackbird

Post Cruise Detox

I’ve been on two cruises in my life - one through the British Virgin Islands and the one I just finished through Alaska. Both were incredible. Although completely different experiences, I think a very common experience for many people coming off a cruise is feeling overstuffed, underslept and generally kind of blech. This can be true of just about any vacation. It’s not uncommon to “need a vacation after your vacation” and have the strong urge to diet or detox when you get home. Even though I keep it fairly reined in when I go on vacation, I definitely indulge more, sleep less and am exposed to lots more toxins no matter how mindful I am. I always feel the need to recalibrate and get back on track  - as I do now coming off 11 days in Alaska. I thought I would share some of my cruise prep and my post-cruise detox in case you find yourself in this kind of situation.

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Shopping Tips, lifestyle Chelsea Blackbird Shopping Tips, lifestyle Chelsea Blackbird

2023 Holiday Gift Guide

It’s the time of the year that I get to share about some of my favorite things: things I’ve loved, things I’ve used, old things, new things, brands I’ve been using for a long time, new brands I’ve discovered and things that I’m putting on MY list. It also gives me a chance to educate you health topics like gluten, light, EMFs and the benefits of castor oil. I hope you get some great ideas and learn something along the way!

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Shopping Tips, lifestyle Chelsea Blackbird Shopping Tips, lifestyle Chelsea Blackbird

2022 Holiday Gift Guide

Tis the season for love and giving! I’ve compiled some of my most favorite things that would be great for YOUR list or for the loved ones ON your list. I also asked my team to contribute their favorite gift ideas this year. So fun! Enjoy and let me know your favorites or any other suggestions you have!

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Shopping Tips, lifestyle Chelsea Blackbird Shopping Tips, lifestyle Chelsea Blackbird

2021 Holiday Gift Guide

Tis the season for love and giving! I’ve compiled some of my most favorite things that would be great for YOUR list or for the loved ones ON your list. I also asked my team to contribute their favorite gift ideas this year. So fun! Enjoy and let me know your favorites or any other suggestions you have!

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Shopping Tips, lifestyle Chelsea Blackbird Shopping Tips, lifestyle Chelsea Blackbird

Products I Use Everyday

I get a lot of questions about the products I use so I thought I would make a list for you! I’m always trying to improve and clean up my routine in order to lessen the toxic burden to my body. We don’t want our livers so busy with an overload of chemicals from our products that it can’t do its everyday job well. I hope this gives you some ideas and inspiration to make some changes.

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Shopping Tips Chelsea Blackbird Shopping Tips Chelsea Blackbird

My Costco Grocery List

Costco has really stepped up their game, with lots of healthy and organic options to choose from. In this post, I’m giving you a peek at my Costco shopping list, and a free downloadable grocery list to keep you on track while you shop!

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